LIHKG Cities: Skylines 系列自由度最大建城遊戲(19) C:S2經濟預期本週更新
懷斯(非阿迷) 2024-11-27 11:39:50 係咪要終極版?


Magneto 2024-11-27 12:16:39 好似依期開始知道自己原版啲public service building整到老鏈咁大

窮困海底隧道 2024-11-27 13:02:44 片尾同pack 入面啲content 不符
死線戰士 2024-11-27 13:20:20 片尾係咪支那CCP定CS1 mod
窮困海底隧道 2024-11-27 13:27:20 衰到要拎CS1 mod 嚟做Teaser
了解 2024-11-27 13:28:09 我見到香港中銀
懷斯(非阿迷) 2024-11-27 13:32:28 其實P社有無興趣放埋trailer D地圖出黎
窮困海底隧道 2024-11-27 13:38:39 等到2025年啦
左膠死全家 2024-11-27 13:41:42 終極版係咪dlc包曬? 屌 我果時俾佢水尻左買
懷斯(非阿迷) 2024-11-27 13:45:11 圖未必放出黎
窮困海底隧道 2024-11-27 13:47:37
仲有包埋啱啱話咗2025年初先出啲3份Content creator pack 同埋話咗2025Q2先會出啲Bridges and ports


窮困海底隧道 2024-11-27 13:56:28 可能慢慢等到有asset editor 先放出嚟
昂坪369 2024-11-27 14:08:29 天氣開始凍,班仆街developer會唔會放個幾月寒假
死線戰士 2024-11-27 14:19:58 CS2 asset 邊有咁多香港款高樓大廈

除非包左落去唔知幾時出嘅支那region pack姐
死線戰士 2024-11-27 14:20:32 Beach Prop 嗰個有
懷斯(非阿迷) 2024-11-27 14:25:15 save仲正,唔洗自己諗
窮困海底隧道 2024-11-27 14:32:07 Beach prop 評分得4%
窮困海底隧道 2024-11-27 16:30:27 Modern Architecture

21 Service Buildings:
Upgrade your city's infrastructure with new service buildings that fit a modern lifestyle. Including the variety of upgrades this pack adds over 60 new assets, to enhance your city's modern appeal.

- Citizen Service Center
- Modern Art Museum
- Grand City Plaza
- Modern Telecom Building
- Community Elementary School
- Modern High School
- Modern Community College
- Modern University
- Modern Technical University
- Community Fire House
- Community Fire Station
- Modern Medical Clinic
- Modern Hospital
- Community City Park
- Modern Police Station
- Modern City Hall
- Local Bus Station
- Modern Metro Station
- Modern Subway Station
- Central Train Station
- Local Train Station

Urban Promenades

60 Mixed Housing Zone Assets:
27 unique building designs with a variety of lot sizes. Accompanied by urban promenades with expanded sidewalks, tree planters, and cozy seating areas, this pack is perfect for your bustling neighborhood.

5 Service Buildings:

- Urban Elementary School
- Urban High School
- Urban Medical Center
- Urban Police Headquarters
- Urban Fire Station

懷斯(非阿迷) 2024-11-27 19:47:07 咁既野就係Ultimate Edition
窮困海底隧道 2024-11-27 20:11:59 UE唔止呢啲喎
1994XF04 2024-11-27 20:40:10 聖誕新年起碼大半個月啦


Magneto 2024-11-27 22:53:26 鬼佬好多夠膽死12月初直接放到1月尾
綠帽奇俠 2024-12-2 10:18:54 第一集 d dlc仲係咁撚貴幾時先捱到ps5出2
深海打樁機 2024-12-2 10:25:47 CS2到可以玩的地步未
窮困海底隧道 2024-12-2 11:42:47 下年上返嚟再問都未遲