2024-9-16 21:47:14
Hotels & Tourism
We see your frustrations with this issue and want to assure you that it’s the top gameplay issue we are currently investigating. We’re making adjustments to the likelihood of hotels appearing in your commercial areas and going through all the bug reports we have related to tourism. Once we have a fix ready, we’ll share more information, similar to what we did with homelessness.
Detailer’s Patch #2
As promised, we have more detailing features in the works, and the Decorations Menu of patch 1.1.8f1 was only a part of that. Since we’re still working on this content, we won’t reveal the details yet, but we can share that we’re looking at road-related decorations and a line tool for placing props and trees. Our focus with Detailer’s Patch #2 will be on features rather than new assets, so while we expect to have a few new things for you to place, it won’t rival the first installment when it comes to variety.
2024-9-16 21:49:04
This will also affect the upcoming release of Bridges & Ports Expansion that will instead come in Q2 2025.