揭尾故 - 朱古力
UCCCCU 2024-4-16 23:42:53 女仔拎住朱古力臨時想打乞痴


財經台韭菜 2024-4-16 23:43:15
圓扑扑 2024-4-16 23:49:30 係唔係樓主想撚狗連登仔
セネト 2024-4-16 23:50:45 朱古力期貨1萬鎂一噸?
財經台韭菜 2024-4-16 23:51:06 係咪想玩死人冧樓嘅故仔?
財經台韭菜 2024-4-16 23:52:02 女事主買完之後急跌即刻止蝕離場
翻工狗 2024-4-16 23:53:36 屌喇聲
蘋果貓 2024-4-16 23:53:49
420穿梭機 2024-4-16 23:54:44 衰撚過催情朱古力
蘋果貓 2024-4-16 23:55:22
蘋果貓 2024-4-16 23:56:46


日日有扭計 2024-4-16 23:59:33 有冇連登仔俾樓主撚足兩鑊
品煙師 2024-4-16 23:59:36 係咪觀塘返工
財經台韭菜 2024-4-17 00:00:14 下次會作得精彩啲
接骨木姊妹 2024-4-17 00:07:08 我以為呢個故算出名同經典
PillowTalk 2024-4-17 00:15:07 樓豬係咪輸太多傻咗
1Forrest1 2024-4-17 00:16:39 個女仔係咪聾啞人士?
五百年一遇大乳 2024-4-17 00:17:47 好鍾意玩揭尾故
財經台韭菜 2024-4-17 00:18:03 put咗TSLA
財經台韭菜 2024-4-17 00:18:32 聽朝開
fala321 2024-4-17 00:22:20 真咩


求其打住先啦 2024-4-17 00:25:13 Did the woman give the chocolate to the man willingly?
Did the man willingly accept the chocolate from the woman?
Did the woman take back the chocolate from the man forcefully?
Did the woman leave in a hurry after taking back the chocolate?
Did the man try to stop the woman from taking back the chocolate?
Did the woman and the man know each other before this incident?
Did the woman intend to keep the chocolate for herself initially?
Did the man expect the woman to take back the chocolate?
Did the woman and the man have a conversation before the exchange of chocolate?
Did the woman and the man have any prior agreement regarding the chocolate?
吳若🐔做咖哩 2024-4-17 00:33:54 因為條女醒起鮑SIR又講野
吳偉亨 2024-4-17 00:48:11 美國背後搞鬼
騎野豬的生菜公主 2024-4-17 00:52:31 屌你姐係是定否