百英雄傳 集中討論區 (1)
波羅波羅咪 2024-4-20 23:42:00 Ok 唔會退啦 就算伏左,當比當年幻2既老翻錢


石破熊河飯 2024-4-20 23:58:12 聖獸都好玩呀,同埋算易白金
Arsene'Wenger 2024-4-21 00:13:11 原來ps5要預訂豪華版先可以提早玩
之前係ps store見唔到豪華版 最後預訂咗普通

黑加倫子糖 2024-4-21 00:48:04 我都以為今日玩得
Jason.Mraz 2024-4-21 02:31:12 有D懷疑佢EA出個patch都未會掉到出黎
Jason.Mraz 2024-4-21 05:11:56 個patch出左 玩得

Greetings everyone and Happy Backer launch day! :GocteauParty: 

Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes is currently up to date and your saves should be fine. 

If you have a high refresh monitor then please set your refresh rate to 30-60 until we get out a patch addressing encounter rate. 

Hard difficulty is designed to gradually get more challenging as you progress. 

There is a delay in the patch for Switch users in Japan and parts of Asia. That patch should go live next week. 

Thank you all for being part of the Eiyuden Chronicle community. It has been an incredible journey to get to this point and we are honored to get to share it with you all. We appreciate your patience as we make gradual improvements and address issues on a case-by-case basis. We are absolutely doing the best we can with our available resources.

Please review Eiyuden Chronicle when you can and tell friends to play to help ensure a bright future for Eiyuden Chronicle. 

Have a nice weekend
賓特拿斯尼 2024-4-21 08:17:30 ns實體版延到5月先出
望咩呀你 2024-4-21 09:36:28 卡咗個BOSS半粒鐘
石破熊河飯 2024-4-21 10:00:52 啱啱開波喺森林兜緊
Kikz 2024-4-21 10:31:58 Steam仲未有
望咩呀你 2024-4-21 11:00:06 睇住streamer 玩先


望咩呀你 2024-4-21 11:00:43
前面係咪有魚杆拎 唔知係咪miss 咗
石破熊河飯 2024-4-21 11:14:43

920 2024-4-21 11:17:14 steam要等到正日
望咩呀你 2024-4-21 11:18:20
可以留意下野外地雷怪有寶箱 會開到裝
矢澤栞 2024-4-21 11:59:29 我都係簡左ns實體版, 上yetee唔見有code
月島芝士 2024-4-21 12:03:36 謝賓巴
yetee淨係得之前個steam beta code
discord 有人問過yetee 話switch JP phy ran out 同埋唔知幾時有

唔係係咪跟地區 有啲都係冇派code
石破熊河飯 2024-4-21 14:43:21
望咩呀你 2024-4-21 18:46:28
石破熊河飯 2024-4-21 19:36:42
病院阪黑貓 2024-4-21 19:54:22 有冇包膠話隻game幾長


未知目標 2024-4-21 20:16:28 官方話主線40小時
望咩呀你 2024-4-21 20:35:03
35lv 卡咗關
智孝SP 2024-4-21 21:49:05 想問吓Steam買咗豪華版可以提早48小時玩,係咪要到十點先有得download?
Dawning 2024-4-21 22:03:57 我仲未見到有得download?