[桌球] World Championship 2024 (42)
摩daddy 2024-4-23 00:40:50 -6入左重慘,焗搏


猢cfu 2024-4-23 00:43:59
艾加 2024-4-23 00:44:09 你講邊下
黑島沙和 2024-4-23 00:46:23 恭喜O'Connor
訓醒又係新一日 2024-4-23 00:46:58 沙比打最後嗰隻紅
黑豹巴打 2024-4-23 01:19:02 夜啲仲有冇直播?
三吉河北彩花 2024-4-23 05:05:32 暫時打完8場波
Top 16已經有5個出局
黑豹巴打 2024-4-23 09:17:30 希望Allen 可以攞冠軍
黑島沙和 2024-4-23 10:30:45 More from Mark Selby, speaking to BBC Two:

I will definitely still review it [my future] in the summer because in the first session I felt I stopped myself from playing well when I had my chances and I can't keep doing that because it makes me ill and it gets me down mentally.

I tried to get on with it and play but it's easy to do that when you are 7-2 behind and your back is against the wall because you have nothing to play for. You let you arm go.

I will sit down with [his wife] Vikki and see what the options are. It will be a big decision but if I do carry on playing I need help, probably on the mental side of it a little bit more, to just go out and enjoy the game a bit more. That's what I want to do.

For me it's always been like life and death, I've always been that kind of character, always putting too much pressure on myself and trying too hard. With what I've achieved I should just be able to go out there and play, but I stop myself from doing it every time.

Evil_Morty 2024-4-23 10:33:25 抑鬱又復發?
豬豬有火 2024-4-23 11:04:13 想輝哥贏馬叔 幾鍾意佢打波風格 肯博波又左右開弓


真係簡單 2024-4-23 13:47:19 last隻紅想白波上番去方便打細分波清台
規劃師 2024-4-23 17:09:39 丁主任個出場首歌。。。好撚尷尬啊
訓醒又係新一日 2024-4-23 17:37:04 但唔發咁大力
較藍pink 黑先再上番去打黃唔得咩
訓醒又係新一日 2024-4-23 17:37:20 丁主任輕鬆2:0
滅道騰 2024-4-23 17:43:17 人地贏緊9-6 枱面無晒難度
細力唔入 9成留袋口
寧願發少少力 真係唔入都博無機會留低(事實係做到)
三吉河北彩花 2024-4-23 17:47:11 司機啲白波走位真係慘不忍睹
K_a_z_u_h_a__ 2024-4-23 18:41:59 威叔可唔可以贏多屆 睇佢打波好過癮
真係簡單 2024-4-23 18:47:42 個人見解睇番其實佢打差左成個波位先走到咁遠 打入應該係兩cushion較藍pink
主要佢要清台先贏 有得較白波一定係再上發展 減少白波走既路途 一個唔小心黑柴全直/厚波wrong side就加重清台難度
其次樓上巴打有講 無咩信心 推彈1cushion都應該三隻大分colour 隨便較 但佢選擇左發力都唔可以話佢錯
摩daddy 2024-4-23 18:58:28 打左5局
訓醒又係新一日 2024-4-23 19:10:07 真係CLS


摩daddy 2024-4-23 19:11:49 司機做到士轆架
訓醒又係新一日 2024-4-23 19:23:01 肥丁而家遠檯係咁多個出過賽既入面排緊第一
小貓咪 2024-4-23 19:38:53 原來Dale 今年有份
摩daddy 2024-4-23 19:55:29 司機5:4丁