•加藤恵• 2024-4-13 14:08:24 預左要坐


財經台韭菜 2024-4-13 14:13:14 Baird and keybanc out with notes confirming some of the rumors we heard floating around last week around MSFT cuts. Baird says they believe the Mi300x has been cut by a US hyperscaler and is not sure whether the cut is due to mkt share shift or hyperscaler scaling down numbers. Baird also questions how improving H100 supply in June could affect Mi300x orders.

Keybanc confirms saying that MSFT is cutting its forecast for Mi300x to reallocate capex associated with the higher cost GB200 and AMD is supply constrained on SOI and unable to service its full backlog.
財經台韭菜 2024-4-13 14:18:18 buy side一早上調到預期到6B-8B,最近開始下調預期

公司畀嘅guidance 過度保守,大家都知underestimated
財經台韭菜 2024-4-13 14:57:42 之前已經有rumour話MS cut 單,8/4 confirm咗就開始插水
•加藤恵• 2024-4-13 15:09:49 最大棍都係4號個晚
C.C. 2024-4-13 15:38:15 插姐係特價

ai 咁大個餅,一間nvda 食唔曬既
泰國咖啡色啦 2024-4-14 03:22:12
冇意思 2024-4-14 04:18:18 https://x.com/deitaone/status/1779240230635069827?s=46&t=lQd3PRdZ_TmYrK14yy1JDw
財經台韭菜 2024-4-14 14:49:35 舊聞4/4,美國要求ASML停止為中國客戶購買的設備提供維修服務,一部EUV平均用4年需要維修一次。晶片戰

Exclusive: Targeting Chinese chips, US to push Dutch on ASML service contracts
SHOWMAKER 2024-4-14 20:21:53 https://x.com/visegrad24/status/1779461989305057759
財經台韭菜 2024-4-14 20:31:21 最後應該都係互相射下飛彈了事,伊朗對以色列冇太大戰略意義,估計唔會演變成全面戰爭


SHOWMAKER 2024-4-14 23:29:40

財經台韭菜 2024-4-14 23:33:00 完,星期一大升
黃仁勳(Jensen) 2024-4-15 00:13:55 你地公司, 華爾街個d 預期邊度睇最快最準
, 我正係睇investing.com到睇到公司個guidance
黃仁勳(Jensen) 2024-4-15 00:15:14 同埋成堆半露體, 有無人持有減肥藥+分享下前景
窮人跟機 2024-4-15 00:35:29 lm留名
C.C. 2024-4-15 09:51:25 https://uk.news.yahoo.com/tesla-employees-worry-layoffs-coming-172331064.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS5oay8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAACKs8CgTuFNIt5Bx9_BRX8jtScTYJQoYzIdMB9LV9u5G9LQt7Eak34_qSS-Z8JScZPDOrbRtARCmUlk_T3tZOupolibT41s-Di8dhvC-3YnxlADWkDB5FMrMWHUFadjLfTO_AHCEsOv3GujqjZTjKyYP3bmZn4r2eaTA2NHKgmaz

tesla 傳緊會裁員
財經台韭菜 2024-4-15 11:34:16 bloomberg terminal有齊所有sell side分析師預期
財經台韭菜 2024-4-15 16:06:29 https://electrek.co/2024/04/14/tesla-rumor-massive-round-layoffs/
財經台韭菜 2024-4-15 18:29:51 https://x.com/rihardjarc/status/1778807681349783717?s=46&t=zE7TNOQk4_M-JwTjmVonfA
財經台韭菜 2024-4-15 18:40:11 IDC:2023年中國智慧型手機市場出貨量創近10年最低 蘋果首獲年度第一


十分仆街 2024-4-15 21:49:36 人地炒人就升
勿沽 2024-4-15 22:12:48 https://x.com/deitaone/status/1779872783003943193?s=46&t=SlZp6fJRymO_sDSHDMZSLw
C.C. 2024-4-15 22:13:47 大家都知tesla 業績唔掂先炒人
全倉NVDA 2024-4-15 22:14:56 裁太少
人地meta 20%