生活不容易 2017-8-20 17:32:49 唔識關於政治嘅英文
我知我屎 但係有冇人知點樣同外國人講好?


賭神高進 2017-8-20 17:35:50 This this and this
朴素妍 2017-8-20 17:36:53 We anti government
機哥 2017-8-20 17:37:40 The city is dying
生活不容易 2017-8-20 17:37:44
This this and this

斯樂高登 2017-8-20 17:38:36 The HK government has failed the city
生活不容易 2017-8-20 17:41:10 認真post
少年水族師 2017-8-20 17:41:53 Hong Kong is China
生活不容易 2017-8-20 17:54:44
Love_is_Evil 2017-8-20 17:55:47 Hong Kong is not China

Fucking commies invade our land
土方十四郎 2017-8-20 17:56:38 認真,開個Twitter先


Esykk505 2017-8-20 17:56:57 google翻譯啦
KKKKaty 2017-8-20 17:57:43 the most peaceful protest you can ever see
Persona5 2017-8-20 17:58:15 Hey white sausage, have you heard of the imprisonment of the three occupy activists over their participation in the illegal protest at the government headquarters compound? The storming of the hq not only disrupted public order, but also resulted in 10 security guards who were only doing their job.

People say the 6-8 months sentence is too harsh, but I think these protesters got off easy. You and your white sausage friends should join me and rebel against the tyranny of the democratic movement

copy and paste send畀佢就得 唔使多謝我
生活不容易 2017-8-20 18:01:08
Hey white sausage, have you heard of the imprisonment of the three occupy activists over their participation in the illegal protest at the government headquarters compound? The storming of the hq not only disrupted public order, but also resulted in 10 security guards who were only doing their job.

People say the 6-8 months sentence is too harsh, but I think these protesters got off easy. You and your white sausage friends should join me and rebel against the tyranny of the democratic movement

copy and paste send畀佢就得 唔使多謝我

KKKKaty 2017-8-20 18:02:36 this is the most peaceful protest in the history of protest, maybe ever.
and the reason is Chy-na.
威猛的巨龍 2017-8-20 18:16:31 將香港形容成 愛沙尼亞咁
群雄割具 2017-8-20 18:20:52 I go to government by bus
Persona5 2017-8-20 19:04:45
Hey white sausage, have you heard of the imprisonment of the three occupy activists over their participation in the illegal protest at the government headquarters compound? The storming of the hq not only disrupted public order, but also resulted in the injury of10 security guards who were only doing their job.

People say the 6-8 months sentence is too harsh, but I think these protesters got off easy. You and your white sausage friends should join me and rebel against the tyranny of the democratic movement

copy and paste send畀佢就得 唔使多謝我


Persona5 2017-8-20 19:06:54
Hey white sausage, have you heard of the imprisonment of the three occupy activists over their participation in the illegal protest at the government headquarters compound? The storming of the hq not only disrupted public order, but also resulted in the injury of10 security guards who were only doing their job.

People say the 6-8 months sentence is too harsh, but I think these protesters got off easy. You and your white sausage friends should join me and rebel against the tyranny of the democratic movement

copy and paste send畀佢就得 唔使多謝我



in the injury of 10 security guards
毛毳毛 2017-8-20 19:09:21 hk is over


約修亞 2017-8-20 19:14:16 The end of the HK
華可可 2017-8-20 19:18:05 認真外國都立立亂,知都唔得閒理你。
Persona5 2017-8-20 19:25:19
hk is over

it's over for HK.
Persona5 2017-8-20 19:26:52
The end of the HK

The end of HK, unless you meant to say the HK Island.