mekoooooo 2017-8-20 15:33:17 小弟讀緊書,睇完新聞後有d感想,比個絲打改緊,都希望大家比d意見+改下d grammer


The fatal blaze at a subdivided flat on last Saturday provoke extensive debate whether or not to legalize the subdivided flat in industrial building and allow some business operate in the industrial building.

Due to the space constraints and soaring rent, some business move into the industrial building. There is a table tennis training school which was located in Tai Wai are being sued by the authority of breaching the land law and safety rules. We may think Law is the law, all of us need to obey the law, but don’t forget this training school has been trained 300 table tennis players and some of them even represent Hong Kong to take part in some national competitions. Moreover, our government always advocate the sport development and craving for the talented athletes. At the end of the day, this training school is benefiticail to our society and it deserves spared prosecution.

CY Leung claim each family more or less only need to wait for 3 years for the public housing estate, but the newest public housing waiting list unveiled last week point out that The average waiting time of the public housing estate for each family is 4.5 years, which is far more than what CY Leung claim. The government doesn't provide the renting subsidy to the disadvantages since the authority don’t want to obstruct the residential property market and Hong Kong government advocates “Big market, small government ”, it is inevitable that the low-income group will force the subdivided flats inside the industrial building.

To me, I think the government should legalize the subdivided flats and allow some business operate inside the industrial

building. To prevent the tragedy stage again, the authority should do the spot checks more often, make sure all the subdivided flats, shops are obeying the safety rules and have enough fireworks equipment at each floor, also the government should make sure the industrial building is accord with Buildings Ordinance the that stipulated by related bureau.

The aforementioned is only the short-run methods, what the government should do is to boost the supply of public housing estate and consider to provide some renting subsidy to reduce public housing waiting list.

Even though the city becomes more prosperous, GDP per capita in 2016 is more than $40000 USD, there is still a part of the citizen living in such subdivided houses and face predicament, it is absurdity and lamentable. I hope the government should tackle this issue at once and don’t let this issue become deteriorating.


樹枝少年 2017-8-20 15:46:38 幫你推下啦,唔想睇,太長
ldobl 2017-8-20 15:57:54 proof read 下先啦,錯咗好多grammar
你識啲嘢 2017-8-20 16:00:12 好多好大意嘅grammar問題
講緊係is/are 漏s呢啲
送禮送給獌 2017-8-20 17:44:03
講緊係is/are 漏s呢啲

CY Leung claims
送禮送給獌 2017-8-20 17:44:43 你用好多好深既字,但係錯好多低級錯誤
盂蘭節氣魄更壯 2017-8-20 18:28:15
太長 係咁易望左幾眼 好多錯tense同is am are用錯嗰類mistakes喎ching
駿皇綵 2017-8-20 21:06:09 犯左好多人中學會錯既野:搵好多中高級難度既vocab去堆砌一篇錯grammar and sentence structure既文章,而且用既vocab唔係好準。
通街都係處 2017-8-20 21:32:29 用好多長句但啲擺位好奇怪
mekoooooo 2017-8-20 22:09:08 仲有冇高手入嚟

張繼聰相繼失聰 2017-8-20 22:16:24 第一句既artical呢


張繼聰相繼失聰 2017-8-20 22:16:35

mekoooooo 2017-8-20 22:32:56



mekoooooo 2017-8-20 22:34:32

千歲鷹 2017-8-20 22:37:19 篇文多長句又唔通順 令人睇得好辛苦
我建議你寧願vocab用準啲同用多啲active voice短句
日日都想要 2017-8-20 22:43:10 不如用淺啲嘅字,用啱啲grammar 先
mekoooooo 2017-8-20 22:50:29
不如用淺啲嘅字,用啱啲grammar 先

有冇咩書or 網推薦學grammar
真‧烏大龜 2017-8-20 22:50:58 此回覆已被刪除
ANTONIPEQ 2017-8-21 02:22:34 last Saturday前面唔洗on

但你proof read下好喎
貪心的戇狗 2017-8-21 02:34:29 Lv 3-4 at most 4
經常FF 2017-8-21 02:37:38 1999 成篇文


卜喱喱 2017-8-21 02:39:54 成篇睇落感覺好Chinglish
Kana 2017-8-21 02:58:47 臨訓前望望 只睇左少少 未必改得岩 戴戴頭盔先

Due to the space constraints and soaring rent, some business move+d into the industrial building+s. There is a table tennis training school which was is located in Tai Wai are is being sued used by the authority of breaching the land law and safety (?) We may think Law is the law, all of us need to have to obey the law, but don’t forget this the training school has trained (about)300 table tennis players and . Some of them have represented Hong Kong to take part in some national competitions. Moreover, our government always advocate+s (?)the sport development and craving craves for the talented athletes. At the end of the day, this training school is benefiticail beneficial to our society and it deserves +for more resources spared prosecution.

CY Leung claim +ed that each family more or less only need to have to wait for 3 years for the public housing estate
手執鮮花的一個 2017-8-21 03:21:21

手執鮮花的一個 2017-8-21 03:39:29
臨訓前望望 只睇左少少 未必改得岩 戴戴頭盔先

Due to the space constraints and soaring rent, some business move+d into the industrial building+s. There is a table tennis training school which was is located in Tai Wai are [/s] is being [s]sued used by the authority of breaching the land law and safety (?) We may think Law is the law, all of us need to have to obey the law, but don’t forget this the training school has trained (about)300 table tennis players and . Some of them have represented Hong Kong to take part in some national competitions. Moreover, our government always advocate+s (?)the sport development and craving craves for the talented athletes. At the end of the day, this training school is benefiticail beneficial to our society and it deserves +for more resources spared prosecution.

CY Leung claim +ed that each family more or less only need to have to wait for 3 years for the public housing estate

佢呢到想話個table tennis training school俾人告