多倫多生活討論區 100
CapaCitor 2024-3-30 07:25:29 多溫華人信仰來


唔上吾落 2024-3-30 07:28:49 做咩個個都影今日天氣

習慣咗就冇事 2024-3-30 08:06:54 https://www.ontario.ca/document/your-guide-employment-standards-act-0/minimum-wage

10月1號加 min pay from 16.55 to 17.3$
將軍澳巴打 2024-3-30 08:07:20 仲要唔知點解到而家都覺得係ON就會易搵到Career Path

習慣咗就冇事 2024-3-30 08:07:40 返工d人成日問weekend 去左邊玩
龍皇齊格弗烈多 2024-3-30 08:18:17 旅行完去過幾個省都係無乜feel

CapaCitor 2024-3-30 08:51:46 試過就會明白
CapaCitor 2024-3-30 08:53:41 如本身對北美無興趣既

呢度唔似亞洲, 野平多野玩
歐洲, 文化底蘊

一係就night life x 10000
CNTower 2024-3-30 08:57:39 You don't have to pay tax on income you earned BEFORE you entered Canada.

The foreign income are for those who were a tax resident for the whole year but earned foreign income. This Is just for calculation of personal exemption.
In your case, your personal exemption may be based on prorated your number of days in Canads vs 365 days.
文字再多 2024-3-30 09:10:35 你意思係未入境前嘅海外收入都要照報 但係個personal exemption會跟番我係加拿大嘅時間計?
文字再多 2024-3-30 09:12:30 同埋之前有香港virtual bank acct.


CNTower 2024-3-30 09:50:24 Tell me more about your MPF.
did you withdraw the MPF before you enter Canada?

What is the 90% rule for newcomers to Canada?
Federal non-refundable tax credits are credits that lower the amount of tax you have to pay. (And who wants to pay more tax than they have to?) For instance, the Basic Personal Amount is how much money a person can earn without paying income tax. For 2023, that amount is $15,000 for federal taxes.

If you’ve lived in Canada for only part of the year, that amount is adjusted to match the percentage of the year you were a resident. However, if 90% of your income in the part of the year you were not a resident of Canada is from Canadian sources, you can claim the full Basic Personal Amount (as well as other nonrefundable tax credits).
將軍澳巴打 2024-3-30 10:32:14 祝佢地好運囉 可能我唔好采啫
CNTower 2024-3-30 11:38:04 not income. not taxable
嫌慢茱麗葉 2024-3-30 12:04:57 你又唔身體力行回流,差少少說服力
新移民(已回港) 2024-3-30 12:50:59 無謂曬錢曬時間
綠帽鹿角 2024-3-30 13:10:41
綠帽鹿角 2024-3-30 13:12:10 飲~直落到夜深~
八仙嶺熱火 2024-3-30 13:20:34
CapaCitor 2024-3-30 13:23:28
將軍澳巴打 2024-3-30 13:41:14 疏囉 未儲夠錢回流加西

個個都去一定有得解嘅 唔好問跟大隊湧曬去一個城市實無死啦


食蜜瓜先 2024-3-30 16:04:48
好有興趣,求地方推介 通常係幾月?
geob 2024-3-30 19:19:44 我覺得多倫多比我好強emptiness, 就算本地人都冇乜sense of belonging 。
不過講開文化,我好typical i 人,就算係香港都完全冇興趣周圍去,我來左多倫多亦係咁。
但目前最大樂趣就係睇show, 呢邊musical/concert比香港多(當然一定唔夠倫敦紐約多),雖然收入少左,但反正我冇乜其他洗費,慢慢儲到少少錢睇show,
睇show時就真係感受到自己真係來左以前幻想中嘅歐美,白人為主,少量亞裔,一個黑人/印巴都冇,大家都會standing ovation
唔上吾落 2024-3-30 19:44:15 加拿大其實已經算愛國
geob 2024-3-30 19:52:25 我話多倫多有emptiness, 咁emptiness唔代表只係講愛唔愛國