多倫多生活討論區 100
我愛老母 2024-3-15 10:44:34 Lm


CNTower 2024-3-15 11:40:55 我有個auntie係HK淪陷嗰陣,啲日本兵家家戶戶揾花姑娘。佢係唯一個女,屋企人剪短佢啲頭髮,要佢搽啲泥喺面度,唔准著女仔衫。就咁樣過咗三年幾。
我不是唐紫睿 2024-3-15 12:08:06
綠帽鹿角 2024-3-15 12:45:44
ChandlerBingo 2024-3-15 15:57:20
geob 2024-3-15 21:59:51 Cls, 我懷疑我好快高血壓
Fdapoopoo 2024-3-15 23:26:16 最近fedual有條新Bill又係CLS
BILL C-63 Online Harms Act
網上發表歧視/支持大屠殺言論 = 捉你去終身監禁

Offence motivated by hatred
320.‍1001 (1) Everyone who commits an offence under this Act or any other Act of Parliament, if the commission of the offence is motivated by hatred based on race, national or ethnic origin, language, colour, religion, sex, age, mental or physical disability, sexual orientation, or gender identity or expression, is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for life.

Advocating genocide
318 (1)
Every person who advocates or promotes genocide is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for life.
我唔識撚貓 2024-3-15 23:57:03 拉哂班以巴同烏俄激進份子未先

鋤大DEE大師 2024-3-16 00:10:59
1973 2024-3-16 00:47:17
NoPlanB 2024-3-16 01:01:17 去偷車算啦


大波波公主 2024-3-16 01:05:38
鋤大DEE大師 2024-3-16 01:18:39
CapaCitor 2024-3-16 01:45:24 偷完可以邊度賣
真誠最高 2024-3-16 01:45:39 新黎報到 想問下大家有無餐廳推介?
CapaCitor 2024-3-16 01:46:11 Tim hortons
是旦啦吊(A0) 2024-3-16 02:01:55 Auberge du Pommier?
三色豆美食家 2024-3-16 03:01:33 潮州佬
Mem_Cyo 2024-3-16 03:17:36 偷車=零元購=無罪嘅

綠帽鹿角 2024-3-16 03:41:20
極度憤怒 2024-3-16 03:41:20 the KEG


極度憤怒 2024-3-16 03:42:00 Africa
綠帽鹿角 2024-3-16 03:43:34 Congee Queen
綠帽鹿角 2024-3-16 03:44:47 呢邊係白警

陳卓賢本人 2024-3-16 04:06:23 Jimmy the Greek