多倫多生活討論區 100
我唔做人啦JOJO!! 2024-3-23 02:13:23


韭菜反駁隊 2024-3-23 02:16:01
我唔做人啦JOJO!! 2024-3-23 02:18:22
鋤大DEE大師 2024-3-23 02:21:25 MPF係taxable已經夠on9



韭菜反駁隊 2024-3-23 02:21:28
我唔做人啦JOJO!! 2024-3-23 02:34:30
八仙嶺熱火 2024-3-23 02:35:00 美國佬玩回購唔派息就知
A24 2024-3-23 02:51:43 起碼我嗰行,知道咗歐洲(英國另計)嘅人工真係有Offer俾我都唔會想過去
加拿大小散戶 2024-3-23 03:15:17 有無去過club med
加拿大小散戶 2024-3-23 03:16:45 可以轉去fhsa?
鋤大DEE大師 2024-3-23 03:32:47 我講錯左


雨姨(甩色) 2024-3-23 03:34:39
加拿大小散戶 2024-3-23 03:34:55 咁無用啦,留返係香港每年比佢抽1%仲化算過拎出黎,除非山窮水盡
韭菜反駁隊 2024-3-23 03:37:00
アクセス特急上野 2024-3-23 03:50:38 今日就收到rax refund cheque

鋤大DEE大師 2024-3-23 03:57:52 一陣又比人話go back to Hong Kong
アクセス特急上野 2024-3-23 03:58:30 台灣做到含VAT出張統一發票有得抽獎,令人有動機會買多啲嘢推動消費經濟,增加勞動力需求,政府有稅收,起碼啲人真係肯支持
叫呢班左癌玩呢套,佢地就只會問benfit咁點算,永遠迴避普通Tax payer問題稅高無咩福利同埋無咩工嘅問題
唔上吾落 2024-3-23 04:01:48 幾時都話要集中消滅曬佢地
アクセス特急上野 2024-3-23 04:02:09 我識得有CBC直頭話班道友快啲死撚晒仲好

唔上吾落 2024-3-23 04:03:36
咁你唔好交稅囉 唔好報稅囉 上法庭同個官講太唔公義 我搵返黎d錢唔係攞黎養homeless 點解你唔咁做?
アクセス特急上野 2024-3-23 04:07:17 一針濃劑量咁殺他死


唔上吾落 2024-3-23 04:14:14

鋤大DEE大師 2024-3-23 04:32:45
??? 你覆錯人?
CNTower 2024-3-23 04:42:12 所以我啲徒孫咪有工做囉!
CNTower 2024-3-23 04:46:36 有無聽過用RRSP hold 個mortage 呀?


A self-directed RRSP can hold a mortgage on either commercial or residential Canadian real estate. Such a mortgage (first, second, etc.) is a qualified investment for an RRSP provided certain conditions are met. The mortgage must be administered by an approved lender under the National Housing Act (which includes most financial institutions) and the mortgage interest rate, and other terms and conditions must reflect normal commercial practices. In addition, where the mortgage is a "non-arm's length mortgage" (i.e. the borrower who is mortgaging his or her real property is the RRSP annuitant or is related to the annuitant), the mortgage must be insured either by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) or by a private insurer of mortgages. The mortgage insurance requirement ensures that in the event the annuitant defaults on his or her mortgage, his or her retirement savings are protected.
The main advantage of putting your own mortgage in your RRSP is that you can pay yourself (through your RRSP) a higher rate on the mortgage than you may have been able to earn on the short-term income and cash instruments currently in your RRSP. Perhaps the biggest drawback, however, is the cost. There are the typical one-time mortgage expenses, which include set-up, appraisal and legal fees; however, the biggest up-front cost is the mortgage insurance premium, which can range between 0.5% and 2.5% of the amount of the mortgage. The amount of the fee depends on the loan-to-value ratio of the mortgage and is calculated on the total amount of the mortgage on the property, regardless of the amount held within the RRSP. In addition, there are annual fees for maintaining a self-directed RRSP as well as the annual mortgage administration fees that many financial institutions charge as they continue to monitor and administer the mortgage on an annual basis.