例如Dear Judy, and Cathy,
I am very grateful to have Cathy as my teammate, she has encouraged most (if not all) of our team members to review our time here. Without her, I believe most of us will still be working day and night in EY instead of seeking other opportunities to pursue our career.
咁多英文高手 可唔可以改吓啲grammar
咁叻 成篇文改晒去啦
不過成篇文都睇得明 :^(
點解你地覺得英文錯/唔通順就一定關grammar事 :^(
即係譬如我地講中文,你聽到條友講:「呢個東西好漂亮!」「我想請教你們如何寫英文先會寫得好?」佢講既野無錯係聽得明,但一聽就會覺得條友好柒,講中文講到成個智障咁 :^( :^(
英文一樣,睇得明同岩grammar 都好,都可以寫到白痴仔咁 :^( :^(
睇唔出問題果啲英文應該都好撚有限 :^(
咁多英文高手 可唔可以改吓啲grammar
咁叻 成篇文改晒去啦
不過成篇文都睇得明 :^(
點解你地覺得英文錯/唔通順就一定關grammar事 :^(
即係譬如我地講中文,你聽到條友講:「呢個東西好漂亮!」「我想請教你們如何寫英文先會寫得好?」佢講既野無錯係聽得明,但一聽就會覺得條友好柒,講中文講到成個智障咁 :^( :^(
英文一樣,睇得明同岩grammar 都好,都可以寫到白痴仔咁 :^( :^(
睇唔出問題果啲英文應該都好撚有限 :^(
例如Dear Judy, and Cathy,
I am very grateful to have Cathy as my teammate, she has encouraged most (if not all) of our team members to review our time here. Without her, I believe most of us will still be working day and night in EY instead of seeking other opportunities to pursue our career.
就嚟Announce promotion, 咁搞法Cathy又要等多年 :^(
最討厭職場上啲臭西 :^(
出去自己撈啦仲有面係度咩 :^(
如果真係上面咁講係王毅個仔既話 Cathy 唔洗撈都似喎 :^(
覺得Resign Letter唔洗用Formal form去寫 :^(
仲要屌人grammar nazi :^( :^(
例如Dear Judy, and Cathy,
I am very grateful to have Cathy as my teammate, she has encouraged most (if not all) of our team members to review our time here. Without her, I believe most of us will still be working day and night in EY instead of seeking other opportunities to pursue our career.
哇屌 完全冇左原文既霸氣