[請勿買行貨]Fujifilm 討論區 (97)
叮! 2024-3-11 07:51:44


JerMan 2024-3-11 08:32:46 依度都唔知有冇幾個買到
純白鎮弱智 2024-3-11 12:42:12 原來真係有人買
錦見薰 2024-3-11 12:44:47 萬7咁抵唔買就笨柒啦
芙莉蓮 2024-3-11 12:47:33 重點要擺埋部機上枱影

想你知我多好 2024-3-11 12:52:26 Xt5 downgrade落去都諗得出
JerMan 2024-3-11 13:00:37 其實我加左3k 同大陸人買左部
,國行。大陸都冇香港炒到咁癲,都係唔知第一日邊個彈個20k 出黎,之後就個個set 依個價,可能係香港富士市場指導價
錦見薰 2024-3-11 13:13:58 屌你前幾頁見你一齊屌架喎
JerMan 2024-3-11 13:35:58 我係diu 香港富士,大陸富士真正自由民主,有抽獎,我都係同抽中d 人買,香港富士好明顯hold 起d 貨,再用市場指導價

btw 我卑人賺都係個體,唔係卑香港富士快圖美黑社會賺
長崎そよ 2024-3-11 13:40:00 依啲食炒


巴路坦星仁 2024-3-11 13:44:43 X100vi個鏡頭都頂唔到咁高像


塔門牛牛 2024-3-11 13:51:19
JerMan 2024-3-11 13:52:58 我B&H 張單講明唔卑我落
This letter is in reference to the order you placed with us. Unfortunately we are unable to process your order until the Resellers hold has been removed.

At B&H,we pride ourselves in being an exclusive retailer. Hence B&H exhausts all resources available to ensure our valued customers complete satisfaction. In order to achieve this goal we have been forced to set a firm policy where we must refrain from doing business with Resale Companies.

This policy was forced upon us, by the manufacturers, due to numerous reasons including our authorized retailer agreement to resellers, the potential voiding of the end users warranty. All of these considerations can ultimately hurt the end user. Please understand that the continuation of this policy is non-negotiable and cannot be compromised.

We do apologize for any inconveniences this may have caused you and appreciate your understanding.

If you believe that this flag is unwarranted and incorrect then please contact us so we may remove this hold.

我第一日6點order 的
JerMan 2024-3-11 13:54:23 都係諗平時夾住gfx100s 用
記者腰力 2024-3-11 14:03:22 想請教下 邊度有得買方形遮光罩

冰島大草原 2024-3-11 14:29:15 根本就係
JerMan 2024-3-11 14:54:31 tb 岩岩買左120 蚊,連adaptor 同垃圾filter 鏡
塔門牛牛 2024-3-11 14:56:29
JerMan 2024-3-11 14:57:54 我部黑色,應該唔多覺眼ge
塔門牛牛 2024-3-11 14:59:50
芙莉蓮 2024-3-11 15:27:08 百記個價都drop緊




德國臘腸狗 2024-3-11 15:55:58
JerMan 2024-3-11 15:56:05 主要係依家d 鋪hold 住太多錢,大貨hold 得太多。佢地點都要搵人接先有cash flow. 依家香港肯定hold,住幾百部機,cash 都幾百萬
JerMan 2024-3-11 15:57:52 支鏡講真又係唔多夠sharp, 餅鏡好極有限,你估leica 果支咩
JerMan 2024-3-11 15:58:17