醫管局員工討論區 90
女神安兪真 2024-3-17 17:37:38 想問如果Clerk 3辭職有冇話要隔幾耐先可以再apply返其他clerk 3??


無名貓 2024-3-17 18:45:48
那支V 2024-3-18 10:32:11 落手做唔係應該係Technical果D咩?

Btw, 長遠黎講係咪EA 好過OA?
1. To provide operational and executive support in relation to facilities management and building maintenance.
2. To liaise with various stakeholders including clinical users, licensing department and maintenance contractors for the expedient provision of equipment maintenance services.
3. To provide clerical support which includes but not limited to application of license, preparation of department financial position reports, meeting minutes and annual plan.
4. To assist in planning, cashflow management, monitoring and reporting the performance of work agents for facilities management and equipment maintenance.
5. To conduct site inspections to review the performance of contractors.
6. To carry out other duties as assigned by supervisor(s)
屯門陳不擋 2024-3-18 10:55:19 想問下大家知唔知係咪4月會重新計過啲假?
想黎緊4月請假去旅行, 上年度嗰啲我用哂
Whirr 2024-3-18 11:36:03
素海霖 2024-3-18 12:25:12 等下啦 我等左1個月先收到
強大到穿過命運 2024-3-18 13:28:45
~雲淡風輕~ 2024-3-18 13:54:26
~雲淡風輕~ 2024-3-18 13:57:32
純愛天使 2024-3-18 15:41:06
r哂頭 2024-3-18 16:10:33 想問下
二年合約仔,total 28日AL,係米一定要係完約前清哂佢?



~雲淡風輕~ 2024-3-18 16:42:23
我轟唔賣垃圾 2024-3-18 18:43:14
強大到穿過命運 2024-3-18 18:55:03
唔打頭得唔得 2024-3-18 19:52:56
小小小可愛 2024-3-18 19:55:47
唔打頭得唔得 2024-3-18 19:58:37
小小小可愛 2024-3-18 19:59:55
我轟唔賣垃圾 2024-3-18 20:46:47
素海霖 2024-3-18 20:50:20 Ea2可唔可以升clerk2?
強大到穿過命運 2024-3-18 20:50:54


強大到穿過命運 2024-3-18 20:51:05
T潛水員 2024-3-18 21:07:29 Qe 呢d大院真係講運氣隨時一個部門有幾個傻既上司同同事
ICACafe 2024-3-18 22:33:34
唔打頭得唔得 2024-3-18 22:45:03