外國媒體報導越嚟越多 13900K 用家陸續出現遊戲崩潰情形,Intel 未有回應!
power_off 2024-2-24 01:12:58 E=4.3 嘅話我都係咁上下分,乜咁係低過平均數咩

同埋你 LLC level 幾多
power_off 2024-2-24 01:24:16 嗰時主要以 R15 同 R23 為標準,下下覺得兩個都要穩至可以安心使用,打機方面反而唔太重視,而家已經唔會咁諗,反正點搞都唔會穩 R15/R23,一於鎖 power limit 再拉返高 p core,其實話唔定咁樣至係最佳玩法
power_off 2024-2-24 01:45:16 而家鎖 power limit 253W + LLC7 + p core 拉到上 5.7 打機無咩伏,都可能係我本身係玩 4K,對 CPU 負荷唔大所以無事
power_off 2024-2-24 01:59:09 Reddit 用家災情和討論帖

I’ve been preaching this for a few weeks now. Glad to see someone is taking note. They’re focused on the wrong number though. The current limit matters much more than the power limit, and it's really not Intel's issue. It's the motherboard manufacturers that have set the current limits at 500A. There's really no reason to undervolt or underclock your CPU. You just need to enable the stock limits, and raise them up from stock bit by bit as you tune an overclock or over current tune.

I've helped quite a few people with this issue after experiencing it myself. Most(maybe all) motherboards do not adhere to the proper power limit and current limits as specified in the data sheet from Intel. The issue usually presents as program crashes or game crashes, or "Out of memory" errors.

You will find this official datasheet from Intel makes clear all of the limits that need to be enforced:


On Page 98, table 17, row 3, you will find the 13900k CPU. "8P+16E Core 125W". This table shows clearly the stock turbo power limits in watts.

More importantly, on page 184, table 77, row 6, you will find the maximum current limit for the 13900k CPU. In my experience, exceeding this limit often leads to instability, or even chip degredation if combined with high power draw.

The stock power limits you should apply in BIOS are

PL1 (Long Term Turbo Power Limit) - 125

PL2 (Short Term Turbo Power Limit) - 253

ICC(CPU Core/Cache Current Limit) - 307

There's also an "extreme config" with both power limits at 253.

These settings can also be adjusted using the Intel Extreme Tuning Utility if you want to do it while in OS.

Going even further than this, there is also a mention of a 320W extreme config for a CPU with a 150W base TDP. Which in my opinion refers to the upcoming 14900KS. But any good binned 14900k can run in that configuration just fine also.

Here are a few posts of people who implemented these fixes for reference:



power_off 2024-2-24 02:08:23 參考下

Please help my 4090/14900 pc keeps crashing every game i play even on low setting =(


power_off 2024-2-24 02:10:22 I can verify that I was having the same issues with my 14900k and this method of setting default power limits fixed my problem.

Current wattage

CPU clocked to 5.7 ghz on 14900k motherboard Asus Z790 Hero

ICC(CPU Core/Cache Current Limit) - 307

PL1 (Long Term Turbo Power Limit) - 253

PL2 (Short Term Turbo Power Limit) - 253

Since I'm running default wattage settings in the motherboard. My CPU boost anywhere from 5.3ghz to 5.7 ghz depending on the game I am playing.

To me it's not much of a hit to performance and I rather have the piece of mind gaming with zero crashes.

Acadia know what they are talking about and at first I was scared to try anything. But I did a little reading adjusted my settings and now I can game in peace with no issues.

Ben104 2024-2-24 02:36:30 買左另外一粒全新試,全default 過到cin打機無再彈。但驚又縮肛,熄左multi core enhancement , set 左pl1 pl2 253w, 有冇需要p core 再降頻?
power_off 2024-2-24 02:52:14 無,唔放心可以 set 埋 cpu max temp,我自己就 set 咗 99 度,同埋可以開埋 c-state,平時上網睇片唔打機嗰時會自動降頻降壓再涼啲
power_off 2024-2-24 02:57:21 我 13900K 降返落 P=5.5 再跟 reddit 用家個 setting 改 CPU Current Limit 307A 會降頻,打機 fps 亦變得無咁穩定,用用下模擬器會無啦啦自己熄咗
,要較返上 511.75A 至無事


精密而周詳 2024-2-24 03:36:37 仆街好彩我係14700 姐
power_off 2024-2-24 03:38:55 根據巴哈、Reddit上及Intel社群內容,Gen13 i9與i7、i5都有類似問題,最多人遇到0x000005錯誤,BSOD訊息不一定

你仲要係 14700 非 K 版,好似無得改電壓 rap
精密而周詳 2024-2-24 03:43:17 我係14700kf
power_off 2024-2-24 03:48:26 做咗最簡單嗰步先
譚寶 2024-2-24 03:52:58 13900k苦主here
上年7-10月大規模喺唔同apps之間出現大量0xc000005 error,具體表現係Event Viewer入面有大量0xc000005嘅Application Error。主要問題出現時間係2077出DLC嗰陣,可能因爲嗰時玩2077同noita玩得多,cpu負載高。
嚴重時Chrome睇Youtube 半分鐘Status Access Violation跟住crash一次。之後用唔記得邊個軟件(好似Process Lasso,免費版有廣告),逐個P-core ban左黎排查後發現某一個P-core係有問題的,即是ban曬其他core只用嗰個core會經常性出現問題,只ban嗰一個core解決99.9%嘅日常跳game跳程式。


My advice: 如果你可以揾到某個core係個問題核心,用軟件ban左佢解決你99%問題。RMA係最慳心機同時間嘅選擇,亦都係我最建議嘅,就算揾到個問題源頭係某個core,都改變唔到d咩,退得款黎換個14700k/14900k就最好,唔得嘅話換新貨可以大大減少你嘅煩惱

power_off 2024-2-24 03:57:44 入 BIOS 可以特定某個 p core 加電壓
蛋餅大總統 2024-2-24 04:38:23 淨係i7先出事?
木瓜雪耳 2024-2-24 06:23:23 縮缸明顯就係超頻超過左極限
煙條 為發燒而生
Kaizoku 2024-2-24 06:45:07 ching夠晒正能量
power_off 2024-2-24 14:41:09


留人門封鬼路 2024-2-24 15:37:03 可能intel已經意識到出事,依家都開始下放14代非k + B板可以disable cep
Ching 2024-2-24 16:11:09 條link PL set 125
定係要set 253?
power_off 2024-2-24 16:59:05 BIOS 有兩個 PL,一個係 long 一個係 short,short = 253,long = 125,呢個係安全做法,而極端啲嘅玩法係 long 同 short 都較 253
Ching 2024-2-24 17:33:21 巴哈條link係2個都set 125