淆青 2024-2-25 05:08:09 唔太關機能事,其實效能mode行緊1440p


清宮レイ 2024-2-25 05:18:55 無錯,同你一樣
豬肉餃米線 2024-2-25 05:54:16 上網睇過佢會係某d位自己轉1440p同1080p
淆青 2024-2-25 06:05:30 大部分都keep到1440p, 就算1080p都唔應該咁濛
佢應該搵方法去upscale, FF16得720p-1080p都無咁濛
豬肉餃米線 2024-2-25 06:13:00 希望佢會更新到同快d更新
生鰻THX 2024-2-25 07:26:21 我打咗一次完全版打唔贏
麥林 2024-2-25 09:26:04 29號抖足精神訓醒就去連玩幾日
麥林 2024-2-25 09:27:25 LG C2

馬仔~ 2024-2-25 09:55:37 痴孖筋

我打算玩到白金直落龍族教義,太早end game 果段時間真空左
髙橋藍 2024-2-25 10:02:50 刷唔同約會線
馬仔~ 2024-2-25 10:05:27 FF7Rebirth 奬盃list

The Planet’s Hope trophy


Never Meet Your Heroes trophy

Complete Chapter 1.

Swampy Situation trophy

Complete Chapter 2.

Make Mine Back trophy

Complete Chapter 3.

The President’s Commendation trophy

Complete Chapter 4.

Cryptic Cameo trophy

Complete Chapter 5.

Fun in the Sun trophy

Complete Chapter 6.

The Price of Progress trophy

Complete Chapter 7.

Worth the Weight? trophy

Complete Chapter 8.

Crying Out trophy

Complete Chapter 9.

Stars Fell from My Eyes trophy

Complete Chapter 10.

You’re Not Murasaki trophy

Complete Chapter 11.

Hearts Out, Dukes Up trophy

Complete Chapter 12.

I’m Here for You trophy

Complete Chapter 13.

Confluence of Worlds trophy

Complete Chapter 14.


馬仔~ 2024-2-25 10:06:24 I Got This trophy

Win a battle.

Exploitative Practices trophy

Exploit an enemy’s weakness.

Unfettered Friendship trophy

Free a bound ally.

Staggered Learning trophy

Stagger an enemy.

Break It Down trophy

Use a limit break.

Fledgling Summoner trophy

Invoke a summon.

Team Player trophy

Use a synergy skill.

No “I” in “Synergy” trophy

Use a synergy ability.

Entering New Markets trophy

Complete a quest.

Weapons 101 trophy

Max out a weapon ability’s proficiency.

A Materia World trophy

Level up an orb of materia.

New Blood trophy

Raise your Queen’s Blood rank.

Caching In trophy

Complete your search of a cache location.

I Brake for Chocobos trophy

Repair three chocobo stops.

Expert Ex-kweh-vator trophy

Use a chocobo to find two treasures buried by rabbits.

You Work for Me Now trophy

Defeat a summon in battle and obtain its materia.

Intelligence Aide trophy

Gather world intel at five separate locations.

Intelligence Specialist trophy

Gather world intel at fifty separate locations.

Director of Regional Intelligence trophy

Gather all pieces of world intel in a region.

Founder’s Bonus trophy

Obtain a protorelic in the grasslands.

Fort Condor Commander trophy

Obtain a protorelic in the Junon region.

Cactuar Crusher trophy

Obtain a protorelic in the Corel region.

Honorary Turk trophy

Obtain a protorelic in the Gongaga region.

The Gambit Paid Off trophy

Obtain a protorelic in the Cosmo Canyon region.

Professional Handler trophy

Obtain a protorelic in the Nibel region.
馬仔~ 2024-2-25 10:06:34 Bladesman of Legend trophy

Defeat Gilgamesh.

Moogle Lover trophy

Max out your moogle emporium merchant rank.

Materia Completionist trophy

Develop all possible materia together with Chadley.

7th, Assemble! trophy

Recruit all Midgar 7th Infantry units for the parade in Junon.

Stealing the Show trophy

Win the prize for outstanding performance in the Junon Parade.

Card Royalty trophy

Win the Queen’s Blood tournament held on board the Shinra-8.

Critically Acclaimed trophy

Receive a review of S or higher for your performance in Loveless at the Gold Saucer.

1-Star Startup trophy

Donate 10 items to the treasure trove at Johnny’s Seaside Inn.

3-Star Hotel trophy

Donate 30 items to the treasure trove at Johnny’s Seaside Inn.

5-Star Hotel trophy

Donate 60 items to the treasure trove at Johnny’s Seaside Inn.

7-Star Hotel trophy

Inform Johnny that you have donated all possible items to his treasure trove.

Polygonal Prizefighter trophy

Defeat Sephiroth in 3D Brawler.

Piano Virtuoso trophy

Play all six Piano Outreach Association songs well enough to receive remuneration.

Are You Not Entertained? trophy

Complete all bouts in the Musclehead Colloseum.

Hall of Famer trophy

Win all chocobo races.

My Job Here Is Done trophy

Complete all quests.

Grind It Out trophy

Attain Level 70 with a character.

Staggering Success trophy

Deal 300% or more damage to a staggered enemy.

Well-Rounded trophy

Master all weapon abilities and limit breaks, including those found in folios.

Of Hardy Stock trophy

Complete all chapters on Hard difficulty.

Virtually Renowned trophy

Complete all of Chadley’s combat simulations.
瘋狂草泥馬 2024-2-25 10:52:33 有冇人知豪華版依家幾錢同邊度仲有得訂?
你愛我幾多 2024-2-25 10:58:15 就算佢做個短片用魔法之後都係死, 其實無乜分別
夏海里伽子 2024-2-25 11:17:26
麥林 2024-2-25 11:26:20 先玩easy爆機防止被劇透

馬仔~ 2024-2-25 12:27:49 Hard 有個盃,你要玩三周目
小雞真可靠 2024-2-25 12:41:45 此回覆已被刪除
J117 2024-2-25 12:43:37 啱啱先玩demo
點解圖像mode 卡下卡下
黑加倫子糖 2024-2-25 12:56:58 Dynamic 應該係2k同假4k互轉



豬肉餃米線 2024-2-25 13:09:09 當熟習下 我打左好耐
我第一集淨係玩cloud 普攻流
傻波是禮 2024-2-25 13:13:48 唔推ct 員係因為推zack+aerith
傻波是禮 2024-2-25 13:19:07 屌 第一條片 cloud d語氣已經勁唔似自己
Staff09 2024-2-25 13:19:16 share獎杯有冇考慮過獎杯有劇透 仲要冇加密