Apple Vision Pro討論區 (2) 美國19/1 pre-order, 2/2正式發售
L.Martinez 2024-4-16 11:52:35 我見佢都有攞副眼鏡check度數


果粒頭 2024-4-16 12:35:14 佢會問你使唔使佩戴眼鏡
L.Martinez 2024-4-16 13:03:37 係,咪你試果陣測你副眼鏡度數,然後攞鏡片比你試
蜜絲佛陀 2024-4-16 13:33:03 k, 我指online store
L.Martinez 2024-4-17 18:39:34
L.Martinez 2024-4-18 09:25:22

L.Martinez 2024-4-18 22:41:28
L.Martinez 2024-4-19 16:24:29 Best Buy Launches Apple Vision Pro App for Previewing Tech Products
L.Martinez 2024-4-19 18:06:31
L.Martinez 2024-4-19 22:52:42
L.Martinez 2024-4-21 16:49:56


L.Martinez 2024-4-22 17:26:16 Since its debut in the U.S. in February 2024, excitement for the ‌Apple Vision Pro‌ has noticeably cooled, according to Bloomberg's Mark Gurman. Writing in his latest Power On newsletter, Gurman reports a marked decline in the demand for retail demos and sales, based on the Apple Stores he has spoken to:

Demand for demos is way down. People who do book appointments often don't show up, and sales — at least at some locations — have gone from a couple of units a day to just a handful in a whole week. Apple also has had to step up the marketing on its online homepage. There's a huge promo for the Vision Pro at the top of the website — the most aggressive pitch since the device went on sale in early February.
果粒頭 2024-4-23 03:16:37
L.Martinez 2024-4-23 16:33:05 有可能因為註冊果d野
L.Martinez 2024-4-24 11:22:23 唔知今場keynote會唔會公布vision pro係其他國家發售
果粒頭 2024-4-25 02:26:20 其實做得最錯係限美國發售
L.Martinez 2024-4-25 13:19:40 註冊果d都關事
果粒頭 2024-4-25 13:29:57
L.Martinez 2024-4-25 16:00:17 應該全部國家

L.Martinez 2024-4-27 16:29:57 Apple Asks Customers for Vision Pro Feedback
機界原種 2024-4-27 17:39:36 平心而論,其實vision pro 根本唔重,覺得重係因為設計問題,為咗靚將個重心向前得好緊要,正常人都唔會覺得舒服啦,整成頭盔形就唔會覺得重,蘋果又一為咗設計犧牲實用嘅最佳例子,之前係m字額


L.Martinez 2024-4-29 17:41:35 Gurman: No Apple Vision Pro 2 Planned Before End of 2026
打公仔 2024-5-2 01:01:27

Accidental leak for Vision Pro international launch within next week??

In Japan, Apple apparently have a store front on the LINE app which is currently offering a discount across Apple products; the terms and conditions state that the 15, 15 Pro, Vision Pro and Vision Pro accessories are not included in the discount, even though the Vision Pro is not currently available in any market outside the USA.
What's more interesting is that the discount is available from 30 April 2024 to 6 May 2024, indicating that the Vision Pro could be released within this time frame, hence the need to explicitly exclude it from the discount promotion.

Here's a link to the Japanese article on it

This would make sense given the rumours that Apple will launch the headset internationally before WWDC; they may even announce it before the May 7 event as they seem to want to focus this online event on iPads. It would also explain the in-person event happening in London the same day, possibly giving the European media a hands-on with the Vision Pro. What does everyone think?

L.Martinez 2024-5-2 10:44:42
L.Martinez 2024-5-4 17:10:07