Apple Vision Pro討論區 (2) 美國19/1 pre-order, 2/2正式發售
L.Martinez 2024-2-14 10:57:49 It probably won't work for you, but here's how I mostly use my Apple Vision Pro - without light seal cushion. I get a FOV (field of view) similar to what it looks like without the light seal at all, but the light doesn’t hit the edges and AVP doesn’t put pressure on my nose 👌


L.Martinez 2024-2-14 11:00:06 A huge thank you to our developers! Their hard work has already resulted in over 1,000 incredible spatial apps designed specifically for Vision Pro, along with over 1.5 million compatible apps. We're thrilled to see how they'll continue to push the boundaries for what’s possible.
怎麼可能? 2024-2-14 15:01:52 唔知第二代
國際牌黑絲 2024-2-14 15:13:18 依家傳5月大陸可能有
L.Martinez 2024-2-15 15:06:52 Meta Quest 3 - awesome VR gaming console with mixed reality experiences. Great for gaming, fitness, movie watching is pretty cool too.

Apple Vision Pro - high end mixed reality computer. Great for multitasking, productivity, collaboration, best movie watching experience.
冇消息人士 2024-2-15 15:12:57 出多個apple vpn咯
孤毒的青蛙 2024-2-15 15:15:03 已經有quest 3嘅我都想買Vision Pro,AR轉換做VR太正,好smooth ,同埋實景透視好過quest 3 N倍
L.Martinez 2024-2-15 15:43:26 Q&A
Q: 幾時公開發售?
A: 2024年1月19日美國優先pre-order,2月2日係美國正式發售,其他地區發售日期未知(有傳中國5月發售)

Q: 價錢?

Vision Pro:$3499 usd(256GB), $3699 usd(512GB), $3899 usd(1TB)
Apple Care+ : $499 usd

Q: 螢幕質素?
A: 3386 ppi, ~100° FOV, 平均 34PPD (by ifixit)

Q: 電量?
A: 35.9 Wh (電量唔係用mAh計,因為Vision Pro watt數唔同,大家平時用mAh嚟講電量其實唔太準確,不過大家都係比較smartphone,所以出到嚟又唔會太錯)

Q: 帶眼鏡點算?
A: 好難帶住眼鏡用Vision Pro,帶眼鏡最好買埋鏡片
蔡司鏡片(冇度數) : $99 usd
蔡司鏡片(有度數) : $149 usd

Q: 幾重?
A: 600–650 g

Q: 一條headband夠用?


Q: 部機本身有電?


Q: 會唔會VR暈?
A: 大部分人試完都話冇

Q: 睇到VR片?
A: 暫時moon vr睇到,不過好似有bug

Q: 有Vision Mini/Air/SE?
A: 有掛,同上,等我Time Travel完先答你

Q: 你好,我係黎挑機笑Apple
A: 上一頁,出面手機台大把post 比你地發揮
L.Martinez 2024-2-15 15:44:20 update左 q&a
L.Martinez 2024-2-15 21:48:43 Juno YouTube App for Vision Pro Gains New Features in First Update
L.Martinez 2024-2-15 22:22:48 TikTok Announces Vision Pro App With 'Immersive' Viewing Experience


L.Martinez 2024-2-15 22:54:36 Apple Highlights Spatial Gaming on Vision Pro

The featured spatial games on ‌Apple Arcade‌ include:

Game Room
Cut the Rope 3
Jetpack Joyride 2
Wylde Flowers
Synth Riders
LEGO Builder's Journey
Bloons TD 6+
Super Fruit Ninja
Apple added that "even more magical spatial gaming experiences" are coming soon to ‌Apple Arcade‌, listing three upcoming titles:

Alto's Odyssey: The Lost City
Gibbon: Beyond the Trees
Spire Blast
夜子若+ 2024-2-16 05:03:27
L.Martinez 2024-2-16 10:27:12 Vision Pro 反應快 4 倍
除蘋果外的三款裝置的延遲大約為 40 毫秒。之前的測試顯示,這些裝置的延遲範圍在大約 35 毫秒到 40 毫秒之間,測試者認為這一數字過去被視為良好的標準。


然而,Vision Pro 的「透視」延遲為 11 毫秒,使其在傳遞真實世界到頭戴裝置佩戴者方面的速度幾乎是最接近的競爭對手 Quest Pro 的四倍。這意味著,至少在延遲問題上,蘋果所說的具有開創性技術的 Vision Pro 確實如此。
L.Martinez 2024-2-16 17:24:42 都係貼牌,洗撚買部vision pro番黎整product咩

在香港荔枝角,我們非常興奮地宣布,我們已經收到了Apple Vision Pro!這是我們創新之旅的開始!🚀🌍
我們致力於設計和研發創新的原創產品,以滿足世界各地Vision Pro 用戶的需求和期望。
🌟 Momax is thrilled to announce that we have received the Apple Vision Pro! This is just the beginning of our innovative journey! 🚀🌍
We are committed to designing and developing innovative original products that meet the needs and expectations of users worldwide.
At Momax, we believe that the combination of technology and design can bring a better life experience to people. The arrival of the Apple Vision Pro is just one milestone in our ongoing efforts. we will continue to bring you surprises.
We appreciate your continued support and love for Momax. Your feedback and suggestions are important to us and will be the driving force behind our continuous improvement and innovation.
Stay tuned, Momax will continue to bring you more innovative, creative, and original products!
#Momax #VisionPro #Apple
#InnovativeDesign #OriginalProducts #TechnologyAndDesign #UserExperience

A文 2024-2-16 17:40:51 其他廠都好難跟
最愛小瑪魯 2024-2-16 21:08:27
L.Martinez 2024-2-16 23:20:57 Premium Airline Beond to Offer Passengers Apple Vision Pro Headsets
L.Martinez 2024-2-17 11:33:03
休斯 2024-2-17 11:41:42 其他廠好易跟
但 profit margin 一定變負數
白狼戰鬼 2024-2-17 12:44:56 應該就黎有av大廠戴住黎拍空間片


technic 2024-2-17 12:49:19 有第二代先算啦
L.Martinez 2024-2-18 15:38:33
三重劉德華 2024-2-18 19:43:39 呢間垃圾嘢都有得痴金糠
L.Martinez 2024-2-18 20:51:27 With Apple Vision Pro I can easily place the screen anywhere I want, in the air, on the wall, even on the ceiling. Take it with me to every room, outside, on the train, plane, in the hotel.

I can freely change screen size from tablet to a cinema screen, and at any time of the day I can darken any space and play games, enjoy content or work as if it were night. Or vice versa, at night, I can be in a bright daytime environment.

This is the most futuristic device I've ever used.