LIHKG Xbox Series X/S 討論區 - Developer Direct(40)
畢索膠 2024-4-2 15:19:19 電話用 EDGE APPS


畢索膠 2024-4-2 16:55:18 YES LA
溫紹倫 2024-4-2 19:20:26 10蚊 分係咪加左價?

而家要 1410 ?
溫紹倫 2024-4-2 19:26:06 見到了

卡蘿皮諾 2024-4-2 19:26:52 中咗15分鐘CD啦,search 3-4次攞到分就要隔15分鐘先可以再攞
真星勢多 2024-4-2 19:27:06 係加咗價,但同時間攞分方法都多咗,睇你點睇
同埋而家30蚊 係平過3張10蚊券
溫紹倫 2024-4-2 19:36:14 謝資訊
恐龍戰車 2024-4-2 19:49:47 結果我今日分左幾次search先搞得店
北海道お寿司 2024-4-2 20:39:46 我都中15分鐘CD 但係每15分鐘又自動登出 咁麻煩 唔登入返點search都唔計
卡蘿皮諾 2024-4-2 21:26:53 應該唔會自動登出㗎,我嗰時都無
你空虛佢寂寞我凍 2024-4-3 16:06:27 60蚊最好


恐龍戰車 2024-4-3 23:40:39 個bing app 多左50 分拎,5 分5分咁拎
畢索膠 2024-4-3 23:43:53 得你有
恐龍戰車 2024-4-3 23:55:43 竟然係咁
卡蘿皮諾 2024-4-4 20:34:21 本家hell blade 2 又係得30fps,快撚啲收皮啦牙phil
洪恩採採陽補陰 2024-4-4 23:17:58 Hellblade 2 | New Previews

-Runs at 30FPS on both Series X and S, dynamic resolution (no performance mode)
-Senua is traveling to Iceland to hunt down the Vikings that destroyed her home in the first game
-Otherworldly creatures like draugr and giants roam the land
-Combat is similar to first game, but impact of hits feels heavier, fights are 100% mo-capped
-Parry window appears less forgiving this time around
-Increased variety of enemy types + attack animations for Senua
-New ability: A handheld mirror that can temporarily slow down enemies to land combos
-Puzzles are largely familiar (find runic shapes in the environment)
-There are secrets hidden in the environment that can be discovered and quieter moments where you can check in on allies
最愛小豆^3^ 2024-4-5 07:25:07 其實console一定係咁
點都係跟唔到PC spec
你預呢啲咩3A 4A偶然一兩隻60fps就差唔多
畢索膠 2024-4-5 08:28:59 Capcoin 同 SE 都未死
卡蘿皮諾 2024-4-5 09:47:18 想換咗位ceo佢啫,根本鳩噏怪嚟
卡蘿皮諾 2024-4-5 09:52:05 咩電影感講出嚟笑死人啦

隻隻本家都鎖30 fps仲護乜鬼吖
隔離做到60 fps就你微軟做唔到
最愛小豆^3^ 2024-4-5 12:55:19 打機打得你咁躁


小賀 2024-4-5 13:16:00 大家想要 4K30 定 2K60 多啲

而家機能未必可以why not both
卡蘿皮諾 2024-4-5 14:55:48 屌那星啲死忠真係容不下一句批評

畢索膠 2024-4-5 14:56:21 啱啱隻 FF 同 DD2 , 冇 60
浪人為咗 60 個畫汁低到
畢索膠 2024-4-5 14:57:07 唔是 60 會眼花