『歸家post』BNO VISA 申請資訊 (41) 睇名––IHS準備加價
蝻記 2024-3-13 11:57:52


蘿蔔脷環豆腐司機 2024-3-13 12:03:37
Chingching河邊草 2024-3-13 14:26:19 想問下 係咪收到 Your application for entry clearance has been successful. 揸住呢個EMAIL 就入得UK (REF NO. A)

事關 早排收到email 話我have not completed your Hong Kong British National (Overseas) Visa application. 但係係係另一個REF NUMBER (REF NO. B) 3月收既呢封email

到今日話再唔UPDATE we will securely delete it and will delete all the data you have already entered, and you will need to apply again. (REF NO .B)

咁我就入翻 REF NO. A 成功批果時出個封EMAIL
係 Check your eVisa
Please check now that you can access your UKVI account and that the information on your eVisa is correct.

To check your eVisa, use your UKVI account sign in details to log into the online ‘view and prove’ service at https://www.gov.uk/view-prove-immigration-status on GOV.​UK.

㩒完 就出 We cannot find your current status in this service
This is probably because your application is still in progress.

Try again when you have received a decision letter or email from the Home Office about your application.

個人即慌一慌 我明明之前仲睇到
Chingching河邊草 2024-3-13 14:30:35 原來自己ON 9 解到了sorry
所記 2024-3-13 14:50:47
撚得利 2024-3-13 14:56:02 我見到係全部都complete曬既
所記 2024-3-13 15:24:07
撚得利 2024-3-13 15:34:07
所記 2024-3-13 15:40:27
撚得利 2024-3-13 15:49:04
所記 2024-3-13 15:56:31


Z大 2024-3-13 22:55:38 想問下有無人成功喺英國以外地區續到bno visa?因為身體問題依家返咗香港,但係我今年要續期,visa到期前都未返到去,唔知點續期好
所記 2024-3-13 23:44:01
黑狗當災死全家 2024-3-13 23:57:24
Z大 2024-3-14 01:05:53
Z大 2024-3-14 01:11:09
費加洛 2024-3-14 02:25:23
所記 2024-3-14 02:45:49
所記 2024-3-14 02:54:30
芝麻国出產人礦 2024-3-14 04:53:00
芝麻国出產人礦 2024-3-14 04:54:16


最乖拍檔 2024-3-14 17:17:30 二月中交咗表 但買咗五月尾機票
所記 2024-3-14 18:26:40
コゲンタ 2024-3-14 22:22:13 機票可以改日期啫。你又唔係高風險人士。留多一個月唔會有大問題。
諗咩名好煩 2024-3-14 22:35:13 有無人係香港未出發就申請到英國信用卡