[歐美H game]推介(9)
石動惣一 2024-3-15 14:03:10 入左eternum個discord,team Nancy/Dalia/Penny 比其他人少一半



赤色之瞳 2024-3-15 14:15:52 唔計後宮,luna世一
石動惣一 2024-3-15 14:39:34 三母女
赤色之瞳 2024-3-15 16:19:22 Freeloading Family
Thank you everyone for your immense patience. We know it has taken a long time and things have been kind of messy on our end, so we truly apologize for that. Hopefully the wait is worth it. As mentioned in a previous post, this update will include multiple animations made by Arthoneceron. It's his first-time making animations but he's already making steady improvement and hope to improve more in the future.

Hailey didn't have much development during the main course of the game, so some liberties were taken here and there but still Arthoneceron tried to maintain the spirit of the main game written by Val.

One final note. We were thinking of a new proposal for you, which is a new poll for a certain tier, monthly or in between releases, which is an animation of a specific character having some kind of action.

For example, let's say you guys would like to see Alice having sex in the psychology office, or even some more experimental stuff, like Karina having a romantic moment with her older version. That's possible to be made.

From the post, we'll pick all the suggestions and put in a poll for all of them to get voted in, and the winner will have an animation. The suggestions themselves would be locked behind a certain tier, but the actual animation would be available for all Patrons to see.

These would be considered non-canon of course and crossover between the two games work as well. But we want to hear your thoughts on this before going ahead with it.
石動惣一 2024-3-15 17:02:20 我係咪miss左D咩,Nancy老公死左之後就無再搵過男人直到mc?佢咁淫底都忍十幾年
111歲(腳痛) 2024-3-15 17:15:37 專心湊女 湊到啲女獨立咗先覺痕
赤色之瞳 2024-3-15 18:27:19 你唔溝就會俾個瑜珈2打6食左
石動惣一 2024-3-15 19:02:21 點解我咁問,因為reddit有人話佢係lab到有sp,我醒唔起有尼段
肆工奇 2024-3-15 21:16:58 有冇link
儒烏風亭らでん 2024-3-15 22:04:27
石動惣一 2024-3-15 22:27:10 哇 alex首if I had a tail好癲


蛇王食支煙 2024-3-16 03:07:52 鳩up
蛇王食支煙 2024-3-16 03:37:13 尤其oialt Lauren bad choice壇野之後,佢自己最楚佢啲"wholesome dude"受眾係幾咁敏感
金蓮熙 2024-3-16 04:34:46 Lauren bad choice有咩問題
綠川花 2024-3-16 05:21:49 咩話,主線完咗?我好耐以前玩過一次,啲內容都係極少,例如有個化學老師都係得幾個sex scene
赤色之瞳 2024-3-16 05:36:38 簡左之後lauren會俾個黑社會大佬屌之後戀愛斷線,班友就嘈話俾人ntr,但作為一個ntr愛好者黎講果幕係唔錯既,美中不足係只係略略講就飛左冇詳細過程同冇講有冇中出到唔夠綠味
遊頭嚟過 2024-3-16 05:40:31 由頭玩應該唔算少內容
綠川花 2024-3-16 05:48:20 屌,我仲期待緊佢有新內容
綠川花 2024-3-16 05:51:08 *冇
遊頭嚟過 2024-3-16 06:09:56 有新女,少數女角有加內容
三刀流 2024-3-16 08:35:07 岩岩打完race of life 幾正


蛇王食支煙 2024-3-16 13:45:09 其實個bad choice傻嘅都知係伏,你咁都揀錯承受返後果有咩問題
個所謂ntr scene亦都係蜻蜓點水,都唔知嘈乜鳩
111歲(腳痛) 2024-3-16 13:53:23 個scene就蜻蜓點水啫
赤色之瞳 2024-3-16 13:59:04 隊左入去又冇講係咪入哂又冇講有冇屌到高潮又冇講有冇中出,一D NTR味都冇根本唔夠喉
蛇王食支煙 2024-3-16 14:10:09 咁明顯都揀錯就扺啦,隻驚本身就有唔少bad choice同dead end,唔係無腦玩都可以大團圓結局啲驚嚟