LIHKG 撐巴勒斯坦集會後,德國圖片報對移民和哈馬斯支持者的議題進行民調,結果表明71%認為穆斯林移民對德國構成巨大威脅!
茉莉花園 2023-10-20 00:16:31 🇩🇪《圖片報》:
- 71%的德國人認為來自穆斯林國家的移民對德國構成巨大威脅。
- 62.5%的人認為,在德國美化哈馬斯恐怖分子及其支持者的人應該受到懲罰。
- 57.7%認為德國有很多穆斯林支持針對以色列的恐怖主義。


茉莉花園 2023-10-20 00:16:55 This is what the Germans think about Islamic immigration
茉莉花園 2023-10-20 00:17:40

For days, there has been terror glorification and hatred of Jews on German streets, often by people from Arab and Muslim countries. Many Germans are very worried about this

This survey is a turning point for German migration and integration policy.
It shows: The majority of Germans believe that immigration from Muslim countries poses a danger to the country.

For days, hate demonstrations against Israel have been shaking the Federal Republic. Thousands of Jewish haters take to the streets to support Hamas' terrorist attack on Israel, in which more than 1400 people were murdered and around 200 abducted.
The reactions of large German Islamic associations also cause bewilderment. Thus, the so-called "Central Council of Muslims" shocked with the attempt to justify the terror murders.
䥑銈錏(唔走) 2023-10-20 00:18:20 加速主義
茉莉花園 2023-10-20 00:18:36 These events cause great concern to the Germans.
▶ 71 percent of Germans believe that the immigration of people from strongly Muslim countries poses a high security risk for Germany. 9 percent are of the opposite opinion, 20 percent did not provide any information. This was the result of a survey by the opinion research institute INSA for BILD.

Remarkable: Only the voters of the Greens did not state that the immigrants from Muslim countries pose a high security risk for Germany. Unlike all other voter groups.
▶︎ After the hate demonstrations in many German cities, 58 percent of Germans also believe that there are many people among Muslims in Germany who support terror against Israel. 18 percent don't believe that, 24 percent didn't give any information.

茉莉花園 2023-10-20 00:19:25 "In view of the many well-integrated Muslims in our country, a general suspicion is prohibited. However, we must also give up our naivety in dealing with organizations that represent political Islam," says Djir-Sarai to BILD. Their goals "are not compatible with our liberal society."

Even the "mistakes of migration policy in the Merkel era must not be repeated," says the FDP Secretary General. "immigrants who oppose our democratic values cannot become part of our society and must leave Germany."

Spahn: "See consequences of this naivety on our streets"

Jens Spahn (43), member of the Bundestag and member of the CDU Presidium, calculates in BILD: "Anyone who has warned of the social consequences and the security risks of uncontrolled migration has long been reflexively defamed."

Spahn continues: "For years, liberal Muslims have also criticized anti-Semitism and affinity for violence among migrants from the Arab countries. Today we see the consequences of this naivety on our roads. If you want to solve problems, you must not close your eyes to reality."

One problem: the anti-Jewish hate demonstrations on German roads. The participants of these marches should not get away with impunity, demands the vast majority of Germans.

▶ 63 percent of respondents said: People who cheer for the Hamas terrorist attack on Israel should be punished. Only 17 percent see it differently, 20 percent did not provide any information.
VVWVV 2023-10-20 00:20:00 係要搞到猶太人先得
發夢王李大有 2023-10-20 00:20:15 養唔熟架

天呀!幾時開眼 2023-10-20 00:20:19

茉莉花園 2023-10-20 00:20:40
黃子華僑 2023-10-20 00:20:45 得班左膠聲大大



9upfucup 2023-10-20 00:22:04


Ghost_Riley 2023-10-20 00:22:20
大毒梟高可晴 2023-10-20 00:23:08 諗定點將伊斯蘭教變國教啦
Nevvremore 2023-10-20 00:23:30 俄烏戰爭同今次單嘢之後,默克爾主義破哂產
碧水劍 2023-10-20 00:26:23 最好笑係班伊斯蘭教義既人佢地有晒立埸 理得哈馬屍點殺人放火姦殺女人再遊街 又斬首小朋友 佢地都當睇唔到 只係為左撐同為穆斯林既自己友
生化武器 2023-10-20 00:28:55 班撚樣仲未譴責哈瑪斯
有種打柒我 2023-10-20 00:30:34 根撚本燒山同白兵果班友先係唔撚正常
VVWVV 2023-10-20 00:31:58 婦人之仁
連登教皇 2023-10-20 00:33:07 搞到冇得移民
生化武器 2023-10-20 00:33:57 又想人哋分開巴撚同哈瑪斯,自己又唔肯譴責哈瑪斯


明眼人都知 2023-10-20 00:34:26 起集中營囉
英國真係好垃圾 2023-10-20 00:36:16 踢走班垃圾啦
加乘哥 2023-10-20 00:36:59 穆斯林係對「全球」構成巨大威脅
茉莉花園 2023-10-20 00:37:53 德國警察痛揍和拘捕哈馬斯支持者
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區