OnePlus 集中討論區 LIHKG (8)
卡斐帕西飛 2017-11-11 15:44:21

android 機有幾出奇

我fd Ios都試過


久利生公平 2017-11-11 15:53:26
用hdr+真係靚過原生camera app
又有portrait mode (用緊1+3,無雙鏡)

社大男神 2017-11-11 16:11:48 此回覆已被刪除
卡斐帕西飛 2017-11-13 14:50:47 支援 Dash/VOCC 尿袋推介:

邁珀Maipo 5:

寶族 M1 Smart:
SCP、FCP、VOOC、Dash、QC2.0、QC3.0、AFC、PE、PE+、BC1.2、ipad 5V2.4A、蘋果手機5V1A,等其他5V2A手機。
卡斐帕西飛 2017-11-13 14:57:44 淘寶配件:

Oneplus 官方配件:

閃魔OnePlus 3/3T/5 全覆蓋PET貼:

閃魔OnePlus 3/3T 玻璃貼:

閃魔OnePlus 5 玻璃貼:

OnePlus 5鏡頭貼:
硬擦膠 2017-11-13 15:20:03
卡斐帕西飛 2017-11-14 12:51:05


OnePlus Accidentally Pre-Installed an App that acts as a Backdoor to Root Access

It has been a little over a month since OnePlus was found to be collecting personally identifiable information for analytics. The company quickly reversed course, and in an update the company promised to be more transparent by clearly giving users the option to opt out of OxygenOS analytics. Though that debacle has since resolved, another is rearing its ugly head tonight. A user on Twitter who goes by the name “Elliot Anderson” (named after the main character of the popular Mr. Robot television series) has discovered that OnePlus accidentally left in place a diagnostic testing application made by Qualcomm. After decompiling this application, he discovered that it can be exploited to grant root access—effectively acting as a backdoor.

The application is called “EngineerMode” and it’s essentially a system application made by Qualcomm and provided to OEMs like OnePlus in order for OEMs to easily test all hardware components of the device. The application is pre-installed on all OnePlus 3, OnePlus 3T, and OnePlus 5 devices and can be easily accessible through any activity launcher as all of the app’s activities are exported.
正義的伙伴 2017-11-14 14:13:34


OnePlus Accidentally Pre-Installed an App that acts as a Backdoor to Root Access

It has been a little over a month since OnePlus was found to be collecting personally identifiable information for analytics. The company quickly reversed course, and in an update the company promised to be more transparent by clearly giving users the option to opt out of OxygenOS analytics. Though that debacle has since resolved, another is rearing its ugly head tonight. A user on Twitter who goes by the name “Elliot Anderson” (named after the main character of the popular Mr. Robot television series) has discovered that OnePlus accidentally left in place a diagnostic testing application made by Qualcomm. After decompiling this application, he discovered that it can be exploited to grant root access—effectively acting as a backdoor.

The application is called “EngineerMode” and it’s essentially a system application made by Qualcomm and provided to OEMs like OnePlus in order for OEMs to easily test all hardware components of the device. The application is pre-installed on all OnePlus 3, OnePlus 3T, and OnePlus 5 devices and can be easily accessible through any activity launcher as all of the app’s activities are exported.

卡斐帕西飛 2017-11-14 15:31:23


OnePlus Accidentally Pre-Installed an App that acts as a Backdoor to Root Access

It has been a little over a month since OnePlus was found to be collecting personally identifiable information for analytics. The company quickly reversed course, and in an update the company promised to be more transparent by clearly giving users the option to opt out of OxygenOS analytics. Though that debacle has since resolved, another is rearing its ugly head tonight. A user on Twitter who goes by the name “Elliot Anderson” (named after the main character of the popular Mr. Robot television series) has discovered that OnePlus accidentally left in place a diagnostic testing application made by Qualcomm. After decompiling this application, he discovered that it can be exploited to grant root access—effectively acting as a backdoor.

The application is called “EngineerMode” and it’s essentially a system application made by Qualcomm and provided to OEMs like OnePlus in order for OEMs to easily test all hardware components of the device. The application is pre-installed on all OnePlus 3, OnePlus 3T, and OnePlus 5 devices and can be easily accessible through any activity launcher as all of the app’s activities are exported.


東尼 2017-11-15 02:34:02 有無人部op5 講緊電話個時連唔到wifi? 定其實default係咁
卡斐帕西飛 2017-11-16 11:11:27 屌你鳩通割席割得咁快

Qualcomm has now released a statement about the EngineerMode APK:

"After an in-depth investigation, we have determined that the EngineerMode app in question was not authored by Qualcomm. Although remnants of some Qualcomm source code is evident, we believe that others built upon a past, similarly named Qualcomm testing app that was limited to displaying device information. EngineerMode no longer resembles the original code we provided."


Mortar 2017-11-16 11:49:53 OnePlus 後門好高透明度
18歲(有毛) 2017-11-16 14:40:01
有無人部op5 講緊電話個時連唔到wifi? 定其實default係咁

譚仔三哥 2017-11-16 18:17:17


OnePlus Accidentally Pre-Installed an App that acts as a Backdoor to Root Access

It has been a little over a month since OnePlus was found to be collecting personally identifiable information for analytics. The company quickly reversed course, and in an update the company promised to be more transparent by clearly giving users the option to opt out of OxygenOS analytics. Though that debacle has since resolved, another is rearing its ugly head tonight. A user on Twitter who goes by the name “Elliot Anderson” (named after the main character of the popular Mr. Robot television series) has discovered that OnePlus accidentally left in place a diagnostic testing application made by Qualcomm. After decompiling this application, he discovered that it can be exploited to grant root access—effectively acting as a backdoor.

The application is called “EngineerMode” and it’s essentially a system application made by Qualcomm and provided to OEMs like OnePlus in order for OEMs to easily test all hardware components of the device. The application is pre-installed on all OnePlus 3, OnePlus 3T, and OnePlus 5 devices and can be easily accessible through any activity launcher as all of the app’s activities are exported.



卡斐帕西飛 2017-11-16 18:23:18


OnePlus Accidentally Pre-Installed an App that acts as a Backdoor to Root Access

It has been a little over a month since OnePlus was found to be collecting personally identifiable information for analytics. The company quickly reversed course, and in an update the company promised to be more transparent by clearly giving users the option to opt out of OxygenOS analytics. Though that debacle has since resolved, another is rearing its ugly head tonight. A user on Twitter who goes by the name “Elliot Anderson” (named after the main character of the popular Mr. Robot television series) has discovered that OnePlus accidentally left in place a diagnostic testing application made by Qualcomm. After decompiling this application, he discovered that it can be exploited to grant root access—effectively acting as a backdoor.

The application is called “EngineerMode” and it’s essentially a system application made by Qualcomm and provided to OEMs like OnePlus in order for OEMs to easily test all hardware components of the device. The application is pre-installed on all OnePlus 3, OnePlus 3T, and OnePlus 5 devices and can be easily accessible through any activity launcher as all of the app’s activities are exported.




ePrice 仲愈描愈黑
由細睇RIO大 2017-11-16 18:41:56 其實個“backdoor”唔係好基本既development tools黎咩

卡斐帕西飛 2017-11-16 19:34:56
其實個“backdoor”唔係好基本既development tools黎咩


華碩zenfone 同樣都有,唔知華碩個版本有咩功能
社大男神 2017-11-16 19:59:53 此回覆已被刪除
卡斐帕西飛 2017-11-16 20:06:36
其實個“backdoor”唔係好基本既development tools黎咩


華碩zenfone 同樣都有,唔知華碩個版本有咩功能

我話之華碩有冇 唔合理之唔合理 唔好淡化件事

on9 係*#808#呀

卡斐帕西飛 2017-11-16 20:08:02 加多啲油 加多啲醋
屎提芬味咖哩🍛 2017-11-16 20:11:07 其實係咪宣傳手法嚟㗎


林寶堅尼系數碼港 2017-11-16 20:16:24
其實個“backdoor”唔係好基本既development tools黎咩


華碩zenfone 同樣都有,唔知華碩個版本有咩功能

我話之華碩有冇 唔合理之唔合理 唔好淡化件事

on9 係*#808#呀


*#800# 係OnePlus 既event log tool
可以話係play store 既alogcat 既進階版
又或者windows 既event viewer

*#808# 係OnePlus 既系統測試程式, 可以測試啲硬件功能係咪正常運作
自然會用到WiFi Bluetooth GPS NFC 等等既功能
基本上又係類似Samsung 既*#0*#
或者Sony 既*#*#4636#*#*
又或者iPhone 既Diagnostic Tool
卡斐帕西飛 2017-11-16 20:18:19
其實個“backdoor”唔係好基本既development tools黎咩


華碩zenfone 同樣都有,唔知華碩個版本有咩功能

我話之華碩有冇 唔合理之唔合理 唔好淡化件事

on9 係*#808#呀


*#800# 係OnePlus 既event log tool
可以話係play store 既alogcat 既進階版
又或者windows 既event viewer

*#808# 係OnePlus 既系統測試程式, 可以測試啲硬件功能係咪正常運作
自然會用到WiFi Bluetooth GPS NFC 等等既功能
基本上又係類似Samsung 既*#0*#
或者Sony 既*#*#4636#*#*
又或者iPhone 既Diagnostic Tool

sor 原來柒撚左
社大男神 2017-11-16 20:31:58 此回覆已被刪除
Mortar 2017-11-16 21:39:26 我幾年前買 HTC 都係打號碼 Check 機
我相信 OnePlus 個後門唔係咁簡單