LIHKG 【先安內後攘外】阿仙奴23-24球迷討論區 MMDCCXCII
黑兒子尼爾遜 2023-8-29 18:15:35 goodbye and thank you 我我我


黑兒子尼爾遜 2023-8-29 18:16:42 冨哥:馬鹿野郎
BigLoveYama 2023-8-29 18:17:48 成功中年大媽咁
芳澤霞milet 2023-8-29 18:18:43
芳澤霞milet 2023-8-29 18:19:24 🚨🎙️ @FabrizioRomano: “For Gabriel Magalhaes, honestly, I was speaking to many of my sources today and yesterday, and they all had the same feeling – they don’t understand why Gabriel is not playing.”

“This is just probably a tactical decision, but many people in the industry are not understanding why Gabriel is not playing.

“Because internally, from Arsenal, the message is very clear – the player is staying, he’s a crucial player for the project and they want him to continue there. At the moment, there is nothing going on with any club.”
黑懷斯三比 2023-8-29 18:19:29 比利時天才6號位
飯玉欣 2023-8-29 18:20:17 Esr stay holding out
我推的郭魚 2023-8-29 18:22:48 依家d球證保護到好似溫室小花咁
BigLoveYama 2023-8-29 18:23:40 阿迪達個人冇乜人性
beagoodtomato 2023-8-29 18:23:49 傻傻地咁幾可愛

BigLoveYama 2023-8-29 18:24:51 阿迪達為咗面子而戰 我唔會同佢係同路人。


BigLoveYama 2023-8-29 18:25:51 似啦
桜みこ 2023-8-29 18:26:32 此回覆已被刪除
BigLoveYama 2023-8-29 18:27:10 阿迪達有猴痘
我推的郭魚 2023-8-29 18:27:28 可能真係啱踢利記喎
TZ40 2023-8-29 18:31:26 此回覆已被刪除
Mikel_Arteta 2023-8-29 18:31:33 我上面講咗點解啦,佢啲業內人士蠢撚到咁?
TZ40 2023-8-29 18:34:56 此回覆已被刪除
Mikel_Arteta 2023-8-29 18:35:30 Fab 狗似弱智
BigLoveYama 2023-8-29 18:37:30 不嬲反佢個人 佢真心係個閫佬

今年成績冇野睇 我反佢。
捷克子彈 2023-8-29 18:39:23 賣ESR?


穎褲 2023-8-29 18:40:33 真係唔買後衛 咁後防人數仲少過上年
又要踢4歐聯 點搞啊 臭西達
齋藤飛鳥老公 2023-8-29 18:42:13 此回覆已被刪除
拿哥錫迪 2023-8-29 18:45:07 無風先似會買
之前都係傳simakan guehi個d
芳澤霞milet 2023-8-29 18:46:10