LIHKG 【先安內後攘外】阿仙奴23-24球迷討論區 MMDCCXCII
芳澤霞milet 2023-8-29 16:51:02 Rob holding 88


ESR 2023-8-29 16:51:47 Goodbye holding
芳澤霞milet 2023-8-29 16:51:48
我都靚仔過 2023-8-29 16:52:10 車想要esr?
Kai.L.Havertz 2023-8-29 16:55:09 你英文咁樣aim 你老母mt
飯玉欣 2023-8-29 16:57:12 Don’t sell him plz
Wallows 2023-8-29 16:57:23 你真係唔識ball
TZ40 2023-8-29 16:57:23 此回覆已被刪除
求下你收嗲 2023-8-29 16:57:41 爺爺年代正式結束
晴天蛙蛙張錯 2023-8-29 16:57:58 Holdini please stay
Mikel_Arteta 2023-8-29 17:00:26 攻破鏝城大門的那個男人


童星點心麵 2023-8-29 17:00:45
吾兄 2023-8-29 17:02:39
Panther_Chan 2023-8-29 17:02:43 西維爾有歐洲盃拎梗係去
reocooker 2023-8-29 17:04:27 Holding fifa都升到88?
Siegmeyer123 2023-8-29 17:09:16
Declan_Rice41 2023-8-29 17:10:01 終於躝,唔洗再季尾出嚟。

汐< 2023-8-29 17:10:34 隊隊都等最後幾日阿9 減價先bid
Mikel_Arteta 2023-8-29 17:10:48 扔去狼隊呢啲好喎。
Mikel_Arteta 2023-8-29 17:11:16 Arsenal have the option to extend his deal by a year, so if the fee aint acceptable, might extend his deal and send him on loan i guess.
亻尹 2023-8-29 17:12:11 打起返嚟頂影大哥?


ESR 2023-8-29 17:13:12

花井三日月 2023-8-29 17:13:17 頂哥有bid war?
NY 2023-8-29 17:13:40 Bid war
Declan_Rice41 2023-8-29 17:14:04 BREAKING:

Luke Shaw has a problem with the muscles of the leg he broke couple of years ago. He stressed that leg too much with playing football every 3-4 days especially last season.

He could be out till late December, as he needs at least 2 months away from any contact with the ball.
