LIHKG 【先安內後攘外】阿仙奴23-24球迷討論區 MMDCCXCII
華氏451 2023-8-29 16:20:20 新果隻fifa 係ea sports fc?


求下你收嗲 2023-8-29 16:20:33
Trossard19 2023-8-29 16:20:33 巴丁係自家產就唔會叫巴丁啦
華氏451 2023-8-29 16:21:19 轉死性?rate我廠d人咁高
NY 2023-8-29 16:21:59 左奇右鼎,垃圾
死老嘢 2023-8-29 16:22:28 嗰條tweet @佢,但實際搵唔到佢有寫
金佳藍 2023-8-29 16:22:46 87 underrated
Mikel_Arteta 2023-8-29 16:23:59 解釋晒成件事了,傷撚咗 Timber 之後,冨會係今季重要棋子
ESR 2023-8-29 16:24:34 冇踢過歐聯 算公道啦
死老嘢 2023-8-29 16:24:46 富嚟咗之後季季都係重要棋子
Kai.L.Havertz 2023-8-29 16:25:46 15-21有3年喺球會就得
你自己去查下registration rules,搞到我要開fm double check,鏝squad depth深都reg 3個龍,我哋有三個龍reg 晒佢有咩問題?


Kai.L.Havertz 2023-8-29 16:26:42 好似係經times報,我喺Hupu都見到
龍格保 2023-8-29 16:27:07 屌你老母
EmileSmithRowe 2023-8-29 16:27:28 saka好似得84
死老嘢 2023-8-29 16:36:30 sub咗嚟睇

齋藤飛鳥老公 2023-8-29 16:37:44 此回覆已被刪除
Trossard19 2023-8-29 16:38:10 f你老母m咩開uefa官網啦

Up to half of the locally-trained players must be from the club itself, with the others being either from the club itself or from other clubs in the same association.

date0 2023-8-29 16:40:08 此回覆已被刪除
甲賀弦之介 2023-8-29 16:40:43 達狗=現代趙匡胤
死老嘢 2023-8-29 16:45:03 講ESR嗰part就講到好實咁
TZ40 2023-8-29 16:45:53 此回覆已被刪除


date0 2023-8-29 16:46:16 此回覆已被刪除
Mikel_Arteta 2023-8-29 16:46:53

TZ40 2023-8-29 16:47:09 此回覆已被刪除
Kai.L.Havertz 2023-8-29 16:48:10 你睇清楚啦柒頭
一上嚟就提老母以為你幾理直氣壯,巴丁18-21係咪喺阿仙奴啊傻閪?咁咪have been trained by their club between the age of 15-21囉
你quote緊個句係呢四個入面至少要有兩個係自家youth academy/同一個國家其他球會youth academy啊

UEFA defines locally-trained or 'homegrown' players as those who, regardless of their nationality, have been trained by their club or by another club in the same national association for at least three years between the age of 15 and 21. Up to half of the locally-trained players must be from the club itself, with the others being either from the club itself or from other clubs in the same association.