LIHKG 美國駐日大使:希望中國在處理核廢水方面,能有日本的一半
共橙黨·萬碎 2023-8-25 00:07:51 支那狗比人一巴車撚左落去


沈默是金牛 2023-8-25 00:09:05 俾人加把咀串親
膠享樂 2023-8-25 00:09:46 笑咗...咩事嚟? source?
海角鴉 2023-8-25 00:09:48 港府:
炸雞獵人 2023-8-25 00:09:50 個名唔同!
炸雞獵人 2023-8-25 00:11:08 得啦得啦

小hihi 2023-8-25 00:11:16 咱們中國人眼睛最雪亮,可能喺祖國渤海捉呢
物極必反 2023-8-25 00:11:59 睇返英文原文,傳神好多。

"I wish they were half as good as Japan when it comes to disposing of the water," he said, referring to China.

"Maybe China one day will follow the example of Japan rather than being reckless with their nuclear wastewater, and reckless with their rhetoric."

"If China wants, they can always adopt the same stringent standards Japan adopted. I haven't seen them ever do it," Emanuel said, adding that Beijing has a chance at any time to prove him and other critical voices in the international community wrong.
小hihi 2023-8-25 00:13:04 什麼事情除以13億都會變得微不足道
肉蝴蝶 2023-8-25 00:13:15 柒出國際咪呢啲囉
我係打手 2023-8-25 00:13:19


多野結衣-妖股師 2023-8-25 00:13:35 笑到我噴氚
屙煙俠 2023-8-25 00:14:10 死尾国佬!
爛口師 2023-8-25 00:14:23 好似死左
我有剷車牌 2023-8-25 00:14:31 屌丫美國佬咁鳩串
我愛包包面 2023-8-25 00:15:30 呢個美國佬嚟架喎
已閱 2023-8-25 00:15:44
畫蛇添丁 2023-8-25 00:16:01
Mikey 2023-8-25 00:16:06 想知有冇大陸人發起罷買日本貨
中東女神 2023-8-25 00:17:58 即場燒美國綠咭啦屌
9upfucup 2023-8-25 00:26:22
城門河北採花 2023-8-25 00:26:24 真香港人既世界未日
バニラ 2023-8-25 00:27:42 啲水都被佢抽晒啦
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