LIHKG NVIDIA & AMD 新舊顯示卡討論兼等等黨悲報33 叔叔黨透露老黃會出4080S同4070S
黛拉可瑪莉 2023-8-25 23:45:15




嘔泡果奶 2023-8-25 23:49:24
落櫻神斧 2023-8-26 00:48:10 咁把炮
•加藤恵• 2023-8-26 00:57:57

FSR3 will be integrated into HYPR-RX.

Hyr-RX launch in Sep, Fluid Motion Frame in Q1, Hypr-RX support all game in driver level
•加藤恵• 2023-8-26 01:04:33 蘇媽賣大包

Supported and Recommended Hardware for using AMD FSR 3 with Upscaling and Frame Generation

NVIDIA GeForce RTX™ 20 Series and above

NVIDIA GeForce RTX™ 30 Series and above
•加藤恵• 2023-8-26 01:09:44

RSR will be integrated into HYPR-RX.

Hyr-RX launch in Sep, Fluid Motion Frame in Q1, Hypr-RX support all game in driver level
桐谷明日奈 2023-8-26 01:16:19 法奧砌機見靚買咗張白色PNY 4070Ti先發現PNY係四大天王嚟
注定失敗 2023-8-26 01:22:15 Ok我留定位要7800xt
嘔泡果奶 2023-8-26 01:22:58 其實即係driver level開FSR3,唔使隻game support都得
無論FSR定DLSS最理想就係可以咁,而家AMD證明係做到,NV照計都得,係未知會有乜trade offs
桐谷明日奈 2023-8-26 01:37:52 我本身追過下po見冇乜人講PNY所以都上咗Reddit問 佢地都推介PNY所以落咗訂 點知啱啱先見到四大天王好似有PNY
桐谷明日奈 2023-8-26 02:00:18 其實比較擔心quality多啲
•加藤恵• 2023-8-26 02:13:34 效果最好應該都係Per game support啦
插frame來來去去都係vetor motion個d
行允 2023-8-26 03:02:51 如果FSR FG嘅效果同DLSS FG差唔多嘅話
•加藤恵• 2023-8-26 03:34:35 要睇下嚟緊兩隻game同cyberpunk 2077 update左咩效果就知咩料
標槍佬會攪掂 2023-8-26 08:33:31 A卡下個禮拜出係咪4060 ti 16gb有得跌喇
Sherlock 2023-8-26 08:46:55 用緊pny 4090 , 無乜問題
佢賣個價錢先係公版正常價, 你係法奧買, 有乜問題駛鬼搵 Felton, 直接掉返比佢 rma 就得
嘔泡果奶 2023-8-26 09:09:42 唔知FSR3同DLSS3.5可唔可以一齊開, 可以既話RTX30系立即滿血復活
嗚呼快哉 2023-8-26 10:17:24 萬二蚊係抵屌嘅


清水健吾 2023-8-26 12:00:37 幾靚仔,X字
注定失敗 2023-8-26 15:40:32 呢度冇人理amd
•加藤恵• 2023-8-26 15:47:56 等review
嗚呼快哉 2023-8-26 16:01:45 有,只係用緊廢事出聲