LIHKG 量子力學x輪迥x外星人 v0.0.1
潘朵拉的盒拓撲 2023-8-23 17:14:40 此回覆已被刪除


死無愚流 2023-8-23 17:37:12 甚至係現在, 同一個時間可以有同一個靈魂喺兩個唔同嘅人度
共同構造的幸福 2023-8-23 18:43:08 亦難怪難咁多
共同構造的幸福 2023-8-24 16:44:41 政治便是一條大賓周,每個人都要幫手含撚
共同構造的幸福 2023-8-24 16:52:35 所有ring都有subring of any other ring that is isomorphic to integer ,因為map完兩個identity,就會有延伸出去f(1+1), … ,咁integer其實可以叫做building block
共同構造的幸福 2023-8-24 22:26:21


共同構造的幸福 2023-8-25 00:34:28 夏日時空啲plot twist同故仔完整性好勁 歌好聽
潘朵拉的盒拓撲 2023-8-25 15:02:53 此回覆已被刪除
共同構造的幸福 2023-8-25 15:13:00 其實幾鍾意啲風格 啲人係引導人慢慢諗出嚟
潘朵拉的盒拓撲 2023-8-25 17:58:02 此回覆已被刪除
共同構造的幸福 2023-8-25 18:06:55


斷水糧大師兄 2023-8-25 19:25:39 3D 螺旋
共同構造的幸福 2023-8-25 21:17:08 多謝兩位老師的教導

共同構造的幸福 2023-8-25 21:18:17 我如今都鍛鍊緊自己嘅肛門
物理系(揸兜) 2023-8-25 22:19:46 等我幫你注入生命能量
共同構造的幸福 2023-8-25 23:36:59
共同構造的幸福 2023-8-26 18:33:07 True: if there exist at least one structure and it is true in every assignment function of that structure

Valid: true under every structure and every assignment fucntion

Tautology: true under every possible truth assignment of all variable in propositional logic

Free variable: the truth is indeterminate, hence it is determined by structure

Substituable: the variable of that term being substituted is either not free(which means the scope restricts what substitution can assign to), or otherwise, substitution variable itself does not coincide with variable with quantifier, I would not mention any other case of formulas)

Valid and tautology may seem like they are pretty the same, but tautology can be interpreted as propositional reduct of valid formulas(which has 5 kinds of formulas), therefore if that is tautology, it must be valid, but if it is valid, it doesn’t have to be tautology, however, if it is not valid, it is not tautology

v(conclusion) = T, then conclusion in formula form(consider 5 different case)is true in every structure
For that particular structure, formula is false in some assignment function, hence after being propositional reduct(consider 5 different case), it is possibly be false, therefore it is not tautology

Logically entail: if the antecedents is valid, and the conclusion is valid, then antecedent deduces conclusion under every structure, since empty set is always true, ie. it can never be falsified by any counterexample, then it always true, so I can say empty premise set |= conclusion

Propositional consequence and tautology:
WTS: if we eliminate the situation that v(conclusion) can never be false when all premises are true, then it must be tautology
by def, propositional consequence, means every truth assignment makes each premises true also make conclusion true
First, we express every formula in premise set in propositional reduct form, eg. v(Ai) = T for each i, and express conclusion as B, by def above, v(B) = T, hence it eliminate the situation that conclusion is false, hence propositional consequence->tautology
WTS: if it is tautology, then it is propositional consequence
By def of tautology, conclusion must never fail
It can be proven by tautology->valid, express conclusion in 5 cases of formula, and prove each case by using the satisfaction definition in every structure with every assignment function, and each formula in premise set is true is one of the situation that it is true, hence tautology -> propositional consequence

Soundness: If there is a way to prove it, thats true, since non-logical axiom is indeed true, logical axiom is always valid(identity, universal/existential quantifier axiom), rule inference is true if thats true in each formula(universal/existential quantifier rule and structure satisfies conclusion(logically entailed) if every structure satisfies antecedent(valid) and antecedents satisfies conclusion(propo->tauto->valid) )

共同構造的幸福 2023-8-26 18:36:58

Valid and tautology may seem like they are pretty the same, but tautology can be interpreted as propositional reduct of valid formulas(which has 5 kinds of formulas), therefore if that is tautology, it must be valid, but if it is valid, it doesn’t have to be tautology, however, if it is not valid, it is not tautology
夕凪、花惑い 2023-8-27 04:03:17 仆街,讀咗兩年phy先發現中伏,好似揾唔𠹌到工

係咪應該讀定啲CS course先,第時讀master轉行
潘朵拉的盒拓撲 2023-8-27 04:05:26 此回覆已被刪除
共同構造的幸福 2023-8-27 04:13:29 我唔係金主



夕凪、花惑い 2023-8-27 10:37:23 突然發現自己只是凡人
夕凪、花惑い 2023-8-27 10:38:31 痴線 你兩個都咁夜都唔訓
夕凪、花惑い 2023-8-27 10:47:23 免費幫你補

諗返起以前中學,有個教bio嘅miss係hku phd,佢話自己研究無funding所以要走嚟教書
潘朵拉的盒拓撲 2023-8-27 16:59:57 此回覆已被刪除