This course will provide students with an introduction to Australian financial markets and an evaluation of the institutions, instruments and participants involved in the industry. The mainstream markets to be evaluated include the equity, money, bond, futures, options and exchange rate markets. The subject systematically reviews each of the mainstream financial markets and investigates the various institutional participants and the different types of financial instruments offered.
2023-8-24 07:35:01
都幾 practical
可惜澳洲sell side 發展冇另外幾個financial hub 咁好
2023-8-24 07:40:35
澳洲investment market 好大程度上係dominated by major industry super funds, 或者係superannuation/pension funds in general 啦..而super fund 係有個mandate係long only,唔可以short. 所以澳洲做long/short fund既公司唔係好多。大部分既fund都係Long only. 就係咁
2023-8-24 07:45:21
你係講 local market, as of ASX, Chi-X, ASX 24
我以前喺香港,啱啱bachelor 畢業嗰陣都俾康宏見過工係咁說我,我嗰陣個bachelor 係art degree 嚟,最多可以做marketing..我心諗喺香港做financial services 咁鳩流流既