LIHKG 淺談澳洲office工嘅職埸文化 3
Fatso 2023-8-23 11:29:07 聽返嚟真係人人不同200, 250, 400, 500都聽過


我唔賣比你 2023-8-23 11:30:07 聽落 retail fund 有多 d 自己操作嘅自由度

同時 risk 有高有低睇自己技術



喺 super 揀 investment portfolio 會唔會有好貴 Transection fee 或者限制 frequency

定係間間 provider 唔同 case by case ?
求其是但喇 2023-8-23 11:32:05 根據ASIC呢, minimum balance to set up SMSF is $200k total.

SMSF min set up cost depends on which accountant you use.

1. trustee set up cost (individual / corporate trustee)
個人建議,coproate trustee 一定好好多, 方便好多..想知詳情再講
2. set up smsf document (trust deed, set up a company cost etc.)
3. IF corporate trustee - ASIC registration fee
以上係 one-off cost
下面呢D係ongoing cost
1. SMSF administration cost
2. Audit Fee
3. ASIC registration renewal cost
4. Portfolio management fee (如果你有搵Adviser)
Fin.Grasshopper 2023-8-23 11:32:31 所以想問行內人 熟行情d
SMSF 應該係financial planning經常會問到嘅嘢

Fatso 2023-8-23 11:34:01 之前有人話你無400好易俾啲費用食晒個回報
Fin.Grasshopper 2023-8-23 11:37:19 Individual trustee 同company trustee有乜分別
可唔可以解釋下好處? 投資flexibility?(in-house asset rule?)
Company trustee audit fee 會唔會貴d 同埋係咪每年再俾company trustee 嘅reg renewal fee (on top of smsf)

如果個smsf 自己manage都要俾smsf admin cost?筆數係俾邊個?

Thank you
求其是但喇 2023-8-23 11:38:21 大部分platform都唔會收transaction cost.
之於managed funds有好多都有 buy/sell spread
同埋performance fee
所以揀fund唔好淨係睇個Management fee
佢management fee 低基本上係Passive investing,即係跟index
佢management fee高個D多數都係active management / specialise manager. 咁呢度就好多都會try to outperform the market index.
有一個strategy叫core satellite strategy

你買一隻index fund as a core and then 買active manager as a satellite to generate return. 可以參考下
求其是但喇 2023-8-23 11:39:21 我公司就500k+ 先會做SMSF
基本上都係睇admin fee收幾多
艾納斯球迷美斯 2023-8-23 11:39:32 呢邊就算保險都係自己買搞掂

我唔賣比你 2023-8-23 11:40:09 感謝分享

連登應該要有多 d 呢 d 有建設性嘅討論
求其是但喇 2023-8-23 11:46:46 individual trustee 即係你個人係SMSF個trustee啦
唔好處 係:
1. 你唔可以solo做trustee, 你想做sole trustee 一定要用corporate trustee
2. 假設你同你老婆係individual trustee, 如果你死左, 你老婆唔可以郁個SMSF, 要攪好多野,整好哂estate planning各樣先得. 簡單D講, member removal好煩
Corporate trustee 既好處係
1. 你可以單飛
2. 如果你/你老婆死左, 唔會影響SMSF運作, 可以之後加返你個仔/女入去個corporate trustee.因為間公司係個trustee,你係呢間公司既directors, 所以就算你死左, 你間公司都仲係度
貴D, 要俾ASIC registration fee

Audit fee 應該會貴DD? 唔清楚呢個要問accountant ..ASIC renewal fee 係每年要俾, on top of SMSF. SMSF admin fee 有D係俾accountant, 有D係俾adviser, depends. 主要SMSF admin fee 係佢地會幫你handle 關於SMSF既admin文件, 好多minutes呀, distribution documents etc.
然後呢accountant會幫你做埋tax return, 呢個tax return錢多數SMSF admin fee 包埋


轟天小綿羊 2023-8-23 11:46:48 好似health insurance咁 屋企人以為香港咁又要agent又要驗身 同佢地講你是旦行入一間到買就得
Fatso 2023-8-23 11:48:35 呢個數就係第一個同我傾smsf嘅人講嘅
求其是但喇 2023-8-23 11:49:13 個文化唔一樣啦可能
你想買保險, 你唔搵我買都得架
如果你搵我買, 我就幫你計哂你最好買幾多
因為好多時你買, 你唔知自己應該買幾多
買邊隻, stepped premium or level premium
點樣買, inside or outside super or both
求其是但喇 2023-8-23 11:51:19 呢個睇admin fee 同 portfolio management fee
某程度上梗係愈高愈抵啦,因為at the end
SMSF admin fee is flat fee, unlike super platform which is percentage based.
木瓜雪耳 2023-8-23 11:51:56 你持牌? 下年有冇得幫襯你? 會比market rate
求其是但喇 2023-8-23 11:56:04 我岩岩先考左adviser 個ethics exam, 之後要做P牌adviser. hopefully 出年年中甩P
Fin.Grasshopper 2023-8-23 12:01:14 如果個company trustee 入面唔同人有唔同歲數
當有人到咗preservation age時


不過咁樣要嚟做estate planning又幾屈

Super fund有不死金身 破產都郁唔到
只係仔女又等到preservation age先拎得


Fin.Grasshopper 2023-8-23 12:02:37 而家好似又想谷返financial planning 但royal commission 之後一堆人唔夠資格 一堆人唔撈
求其是但喇 2023-8-23 12:11:23 俾個ATO 你參考下,member%20%E2%80%93%20unless%20they%20are%20relatives.

你地2個preservation age唔同唔會影響到你, SMSF 既好處係flexible.
你夠鐘可以用自己D錢你咪convert your accumulation to a pension while your wife can still stay in accumulation phase until she retires.
SMSF另一個selling point 係 estate planning. 假設你2個super入面taxable component好高
which means 你兩個死左, 你兩個小朋友要繼承既話要俾好多death benefit tax.
咁呢有2個做法. (係合法既,不ATO依家試緊可能唔俾做)
1. 你未死個陣做一個叫 withdraw and re-contribute既動作 即係你withdraw D 錢再contribute as non-concessional contribution (因為non-concessional contribution係tax-free,所以D錢會去做tax-free component instead of taxable) 但注意cap is 330k over three financial years.
2. 你就死但死唔哂個陣, 簽張withdrawal form, 一野拎哂D錢出黎放入銀行戶口.
咁你死個陣無super, D錢係銀行戶口= tax free for your children.
求其是但喇 2023-8-23 12:12:52 因為之前ban得太行, 成行唔夠人
又無乜後生想入行, 所以依家又放寬返D囉
但overall 後生入行既人唔多, 所以long term都會幾fat fat


求其是但喇 2023-8-23 12:14:27 其實estate planning for smsf
基本操作係spouse as the beneficiary 之後D錢就去estate
then follow the will.
除非你死得早啦, 如果唔係, 呢個應該算係standard set up.
Fin.Grasshopper 2023-8-23 12:14:29 行內人真係熟曬


唔答驚自爆 2023-8-23 12:16:55
木瓜雪耳 2023-8-23 12:17:09 adviser定係tax accountant