黑狗當災死全家 2023-10-2 03:24:56


Nooneusethisname 2023-10-2 08:13:13
滿島光老公 2023-10-2 23:35:51 想請教下
我係shawbrook開左個1-year cash ISA (for 22/23 tax year), 十月尾到期, 咁佢maturity option寫 If you transfer your balance to another ISA you will keep the tax-free status on that amount. If you make a withdrawal, you will lose the tax-free ISA status on the amount that you withdraw.

我23/24 tax year已經係第間銀行開左另一個1-year cash ISA, 出年4月先到期, 咁如果我將十月尾到期筆錢轉入另一個cash ISA plan, 依照shawbrook講法係咪都仲係tax free? 同一個tax year有2個cash ISA可以架咩? 唔會過左ISA allowance limit? thx
飛驒熊 2023-10-3 02:38:13
水晶球 2023-10-3 02:38:46 唔清楚
水晶球 2023-10-3 02:44:46 已經寫得好清楚啦喎

如果你轉去第二個ISA ACCOUNT 咪繼續因為係ISA而免稅,如果你提款出黎,由於款項提左出嚟就唔係ISA ACCOUNT 咁呢筆錢咪有機會要報稅
滿島光老公 2023-10-3 04:55:50 因為我之前唔知原來上年既allowance可以帶埋落今年,所以想問清楚
水晶球 2023-10-3 04:58:35 再講清楚啲
因為你提左出黎入返非ISA 戶口,如果因而產生利息,而有涉及要自己報稅既話,咁就要報,一日係isa account 你想像下啲錢就好似隔離左,同任何稅務關係隔離左咁解
滿島光老公 2023-10-3 04:59:06 感謝
tgfgwioer 2023-10-3 07:12:00
水晶球 2023-10-3 07:32:11 https://youtu.be/ooyOrF6b5LY?si=4eU6Vjv4b7y2lTm8


點呀屌你諗咗去邊 2023-10-3 19:42:18
冰靈子 2023-10-3 20:03:27
毛新宇將軍 2023-10-3 20:21:51
毛新宇將軍 2023-10-3 20:28:37
Chronograph 2023-10-4 16:42:04
滿島光老公 2023-10-4 19:21:17
F5制都撳爛啦 2023-10-4 19:25:46 好耐啦
畢仕仁 2023-10-4 19:30:25 窮撚表示得 Iceland 有啲睇頭
F5制都撳爛啦 2023-10-4 19:33:29 馬仔 Club Lloyds Advantage ISA Saver

Club monthly saver
畢仕仁 2023-10-4 19:49:11 仆街,開錯咗普通嗰個 monthly saver,唔係 club monthly saver。club monthly saver 應該要戶口係 club 嘅 level 先開得?
如果升級咗個戶口做 club,可唔可以開多個 club monthly saver?因為佢嘅講法係唔可以有兩個 club monthly saver,可能兩種戶口係分開玩法。有冇 club 手足可以幫手試下開個普通 monthly saver 試下?唔該晒


唔識買bond 2023-10-5 02:45:29 iceland? dun understand...can say more?
Russianroulette 2023-10-6 20:37:02 NS&I cut咗
易靈港人話 2023-10-6 21:43:11
國家代表 2023-10-7 01:23:16