LIHKG 多倫多生活討論區 79
軟件工程師 2023-7-26 04:19:50 仲有process唔代表approved


像我這一個男子 2023-7-26 04:20:01 此回覆已被刪除
Satir 2023-7-26 04:21:38 點會冇問題

夏冬 2023-7-26 04:22:40 信用卡應該睇credit score?
WoundedHelper 2023-7-26 04:24:45 此回覆已被刪除
Satir 2023-7-26 04:26:09 有d銀行知你唔係PR唔會批比你

前幾星期先放寬stream b條件,今日又咁玩法,之後條隊只會越黎越長
262737282 2023-7-26 04:27:40

你係咪refer to呢條link
Work permit 同pr兩回事黎wo
吊兒噹啷 2023-7-26 04:29:29 睇錯野 sorry
Heidenroslein 2023-7-26 04:31:11 唔排除IRCC將所有humanitarian cases一齊集中處理
Bistro 2023-7-26 04:31:14
帝力林德曼 2023-7-26 04:31:14


你搞錯 2023-7-26 04:32:34 一陣玩玩突然取消stream b

加拿大咁L on9 ,d政策可以即日改
Heidenroslein 2023-7-26 04:33:15
帝力林德曼 2023-7-26 04:34:17
綠帽鹿角 2023-7-26 04:35:38
Heidenroslein 2023-7-26 04:36:32
雪國鮮花 2023-7-26 04:36:40 如果等緊PR期間OWP過期
粉紅派大星 2023-7-26 04:37:40 stream ab冇bowp
CNTower 2023-7-26 04:38:14 Home of GM Canada
條舌無毛 2023-7-26 04:39:26 係咪都無得extend OWP? 之前聽人話申請期間可以延長目前既簽證
加拿大黎生 2023-7-26 04:42:01 此回覆已被刪除


粉紅派大星 2023-7-26 04:42:15 宜家冇
好似除非你個owp本身入境嗰陣批唔夠3年 咁就可以extend
Chill人 2023-7-26 04:42:31
CNTower 2023-7-26 04:44:39
Can I lose my permanent resident status?
Yes, you can lose your permanent resident (PR) status.

If you haven’t been in Canada for at least 730 days during the last five years, you may lose your PR status. See Understand PR Status.

You may also lose your PR status if you:

become a Canadian citizen
give up (renounce) your PR status
become inadmissible to Canada
Permanent residents don’t have the same protections and privileges as Canadian citizens do. If you commit a serious offence as a PR, you may have to leave Canada permanently.

Answers others found useful
What happens if my PR card expires while I am outside Canada?
I’m a new permanent resident of Canada. Do I need to apply for a PR card?
How long will it take to process my PR card?
I need to leave Canada and I do not have a PR card. Can I later re-enter Canada?
How do I renew my PR card?
加拿大黎生 2023-7-26 04:45:10 此回覆已被刪除