LIHKG [Get Well Soon VDS] 曼聯Who needs DDG暨Onana = NO.1區 [2339]
陸柒捌玖 2023-7-10 11:02:59 香港人鍾意睇呢啲野


熊餅 2023-7-10 11:03:52 踢到dunk咁執到了
域咸小絲打 2023-7-10 11:03:52 2022-2023 VVD
熊餅 2023-7-10 11:04:27 已經唔係留唔留問題, 係賣唔出
朗尼脫髮似我 2023-7-10 11:04:51 你講撳低shaw再頭鎚助攻熱狗果個隊長?
Doodlebug 2023-7-10 11:05:57 非賣品
毀屍函 2023-7-10 11:06:22 對吾字 麥圭亞
箭神卡雲尼 2023-7-10 11:06:36 此回覆已被刪除
箭神卡雲尼 2023-7-10 11:06:46 此回覆已被刪除
箭神卡雲尼 2023-7-10 11:07:00 此回覆已被刪除
夢不拾遺 2023-7-10 11:07:19 Maguire = a silent guardian


陸柒捌玖 2023-7-10 11:07:28 對唔閪字,隊長
幼馴染 2023-7-10 11:07:35 隊長20萬人工冇人制,又唔肯減人工,未坐到約滿,鬼叫你簽人俾咁高人工
熊餅 2023-7-10 11:08:55 唔夠budget補中堅, 佢又賣唔到錢
笑一心 2023-7-10 11:09:39 俾人撳屌果陣 後備出嚟頂下波都好

重點係就算賣佢 都唔覺得夏天會簽隻中堅
Shaw_#23 2023-7-10 11:10:10 前朝亂開人工 而家要撥亂反正梗要有d代價
幼馴染 2023-7-10 11:10:33 一隊一件末賣出
基butt可塞2046 2023-7-10 11:11:00 此回覆已被刪除
陸柒捌玖 2023-7-10 11:11:13 吹咗咁耐都未有球會出手,比咗個u21歐國盃比啲球會睇完辦,唔知有痛球會出手

Key days and weeks ahead for future of Gabri Veiga after his excellent season at Celta and then just finishing Euro U21 ✨🇪🇸

Understand clubs are now studying the financials to come for Veiga for less than release clause worth €40m — Celta to be approached in the next days.
熊餅 2023-7-10 11:11:25 捱多兩年就完約了
陸柒捌玖 2023-7-10 11:11:26

Key days and weeks ahead for future of Gabri Veiga after his excellent season at Celta and then just finishing Euro U21 ✨🇪🇸

Understand clubs are now studying the financials to come for Veiga for less than release clause worth €40m — Celta to be approached in the next days.


B_Williams_33 2023-7-10 11:11:32 AT條撚樣邊隊接
開咗操都未返曼 睇IG似重係巴西
B_Williams_33 2023-7-10 11:11:59 啱啱呢轉終於選咗 但傷咗退隊
陸柒捌玖 2023-7-10 11:13:21 佢肯收返中游球會比得起既人醒,曼聯係轉會費上又只收2000-3000萬鎊左右就賣走佢應該無問題既
馬迪基亞 2023-7-10 11:14:52 最撚經典係對軌果場,係半場帶住個波轉左幾個圈,之後同馬迪撞車,最後轉邊比返對面打反擊