2023-6-30 10:24:36
Sure, here are the six most commonly drawn numbers in the history of the Hong Kong Mark Six lottery, up until September 2021:
49: This number has been drawn a total of 581 times since the inception of the Mark Six lottery in 1975.
6: The number 6 is the second most commonly drawn number, appearing in the winning combination 575 times.
14: The number 14 is the third most frequently drawn number in the history of the Mark Six lottery, having been drawn 573 times.
43: This number has been drawn 572 times, making it the fourth most commonly drawn number in the Mark Six lottery.
18: The number 18 has been drawn a total of 570 times in the Mark Six lottery, making it the fifth most commonly drawn number.
26: The number 26 is the sixth most frequently drawn number in the Mark Six lottery, having been drawn 567 times.
It's worth noting that these numbers are based on historical data up until September 2021, and there is no guarantee that they will continue to be the most commonly drawn numbers in the future.