LIHKG [D486-] 抗俄衛國 163: 俄羅斯內戰
9upfucup 2023-6-24 22:20:59
一入Rostov 就俾人拉哂


Nebelwerfer 2023-6-24 22:21:11 3月1號嘅tweet
Point 1 & 2
城門河北採花 2023-6-24 22:21:14 搭車喳


城門河北採花 2023-6-24 22:21:37 塞翁失馬
價值巴菲 2023-6-24 22:21:41 張相中間嗰個葉利欽嚟,死過返生?
榮歸烏克蘭 2023-6-24 22:22:22 插滿親信 但唔好話空軍 連導彈個制都call唔郁
熱血軒達臣 2023-6-24 22:23:20 咁依加烏南前線邊個睇

只買角大 2023-6-24 22:23:42 見到啲所謂同盟國


個個都話係俄羅斯國內事務 唔關我事

filter 2023-6-24 22:23:45 此回覆已被刪除
TenHag 2023-6-24 22:24:13 大大話10幾粒鐘 我坐飛機都攰
CB虧佬陸伯 2023-6-24 22:24:20 烏克蘭前線有無update


Canvyyy 2023-6-24 22:24:25 Call for democracy, 大廚入到莫斯科就無可能比
城門河北採花 2023-6-24 22:24:26 出面吹水台洗晒版
吉邨春袋子 2023-6-24 22:24:45 It seems Prigozhin is not a loner;

Wagner rebellion may be the result of a conspiracy by part of the Russian elites.
Despite the fact that Yevgeny Prigozhin has been given the image of a "selfmade man" and impulsive "loner" among the Russian establishment, neither his "rise" nor the current revolt could have happened if he did not have allies.
Possible allies of Prigozhin are in the shadows.

Many of them "remained in the shadows" - it is difficult to put "evidence base" behind information that the deputy head of the Presidential Administration Sergei Kirienko and the Kovalchuk brothers are behind Prigozhin. Another case are Prigozhin's relations with the leader of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, who called Prigozhin a "dear brother" at one point.
At the same time, many of Prigozhin's connections were not just "exposed," they were even seriously "advertised" in the media.

The most high-profile of these are:
1. Dmitry Peskov, Putin's press secretary. Prigozhin confirmed that Peskov's son allegedly served in Wagner PMC (although there are reasonable doubts about this). The story was used to publicize Peskov's eldest son as a representative of the top elite who sent his offspring to fight in the "Special Military Operation."

2. General Sergei Surovikin. Prigozhin publicly praised Surovikin as "the most competent commander of the Russian army." In fact, this commander of the military "served" in the structure of the PMCs lately (coordinating its interaction with the Russian army). Despite the fact that the general wrote a statement disassociating himself from the mutiny - it looked strange, but Prigozhin was not mentioned there personally.

3. Sergei Mironov, leader of the Just Russia party. He repeatedly complimented Prigozhin, posed with the trademark sledgehammer of the PMC, and even claimed that he had helped lobby his business interests in the Duma ("I have known Yevgeny for a long time - from St. Petersburg. We have friendly and good relations. I now digress slightly and say that back in 2018, when no one had heard about "Wagner" (I certainly did not know anything about them), we have developed a law on PMCs ").

4. Roman Starovoit, governor of Kursk region. Prigozhin confirmed that Starovoit was trained in the PMC "Wagner" camp and he was allegedly offered to sign a contract with the PMC. The story was used to publicize the governor as a brave and responsible patriotic official.

5. Writer and politician Zakhar Prilepin. Their special relationship was showcased when Prigozhin visited Putin in the hospital, bringing a gift of a "spare skull" and a "sledgehammer case".



他們中的許多人“仍然處於陰影之中” - 很難為總統辦公廳副主任謝爾蓋·基里延科和科瓦爾丘克兄弟支持普里戈任的信息提供“證據基礎”。另一個例子是普里戈任與車臣領導人拉姆贊·卡德羅夫的關係,卡德羅夫曾稱普里戈任為“親愛的兄弟”。

1.德米特里·佩斯科夫,普京的新聞秘書。普里戈任證實佩斯科夫的兒子據稱曾在瓦格納 PMC 任職(儘管對此存在合理懷疑)。這個故事被用來宣傳佩斯科夫的長子是派他的後代參加“特別軍事行動”的頂級精英代表。

2.謝爾蓋·蘇羅維金將軍。普里戈任公開稱讚蘇羅維金是“俄羅斯軍隊最稱職的指揮官”。事實上,這位軍方指揮官最近在 PMC 結構中“任職”(協調其與俄羅斯軍隊的互動)。儘管將軍寫了一份聲明與叛亂無關 - 這看起來很奇怪,但其中沒有親自提及普里戈任。

3. 謝爾蓋·米羅諾夫,正義俄羅斯黨領袖。他多次稱讚普里戈任,與 PMC 標誌性的大錘合影,甚至聲稱他幫助遊說他在杜馬的商業利益(“我認識葉夫根尼很長時間了 - 來自聖彼得堡。我們有友好和良好的關係”)現在我稍微離題一下,早在 2018 年,當沒有人聽說過“瓦格納” (I時,我們當然對他們一無所知),我們制定了一項關於 PMC 的法律") 。

4.羅曼·斯塔洛沃伊特,庫爾斯克州州長。普里戈任證實,斯塔羅沃伊特曾在 PMC“瓦格納”訓練營接受過訓練,據稱他曾被提議與 PMC 簽訂合同。這個故事被用來宣傳州長是一位勇敢而負責任的愛國官員。

5. 作家和政治家扎哈爾·普里萊平。當普里戈任去醫院探望普京時,他們帶來了一個“備用頭骨”和一個“大錘盒”作為禮物,這體現了他們的特殊關係。
date0 2023-6-24 22:24:57 此回覆已被刪除
lostha 2023-6-24 22:25:02 烏克蘭前線仲未岀現大量俄羅斯逃兵??
冷犬 2023-6-24 22:25:37 誰贏他們幫誰
輸少當贏 2023-6-24 22:25:48 得中國最堅定 未出聲反枱
城門河北採花 2023-6-24 22:26:04 好奇而家係烏克蘭班蛾軍點樣
Staff09 2023-6-24 22:26:07 獨裁政權fd子係咁
月光巴記住守規矩 2023-6-24 22:26:41 仲煲緊,未水滾


Hawk 2023-6-24 22:26:51 各位手足入定花生紅酒

lostha 2023-6-24 22:27:04 普京:俄羅斯有核彈係都市傳說
孖貓 2023-6-24 22:27:06 亞美尼亞:今次仲唔輪到你俄羅斯
月光巴記住守規矩 2023-6-24 22:27:34 阿塞拜疆係咪一早收左聲??