LIHKG Battlebit Remastered - 如果Battlefield無行差踏錯既話
1994XF04F-22 2023-8-25 02:48:40 無聊睇下Steam統計資料


Outlaw 2023-8-25 08:03:41
我萬朱莎華呢 2023-8-25 08:24:40 又唔上console
哩咖士勇 2023-8-26 00:45:01 主要都係戰地fans玩,但個氣氛好歡樂,玩歐美ser好多人吹水
哈哈哈密瓜 2023-8-26 02:43:52 點樣同ow2 比

哈哈哈密瓜 2023-8-26 02:48:28 黎緊patch嘅資料

Upcoming Weapon balance changes from discord

• Famas damage increased from 24 to 26.

• SG550 muzzle scale changed from 0.85 to 0.6

----- Ultimax -----

• Increase reload speed by 10%.

• Reduce first shot kick from 2.0 to 1.5.

• Reduce vertical recoil from 1.5 to 1.1.

• Increase ads speed from 0.35 to 0.3

• Increase runspeed from 0.9 to 0.925

----- AsVal -----

• Horizontal recoil lowered, from 1.9 to 1.2

• Accuracy increased, from 68.75 to 75

• Sound spread lowered, from 600 to 200

• Control lowered, from 0.86 to 0.8

• Reload time increased, from 3 seconds to 3.33 seconds

• Damage fall-off starting distance increased, from 20m to 40m

----- HoneyBadger -----

• Damage lowered, from 32 to 28

• Vertical recoil lowered, from 1.5 to 1.25

• Horizontal recoil lowered, from 1.9 to 1.1

• Velocity lowered, from 440 to 400

• Accuracy increased, from 68.75 to 72.25

• Firerate increased, from 800 to 880

• Sound spread lowered, from 600 to 200

• Reload time lowered, from 4.17s to 3.79s

• Base magazine capacity increased, from 24 to 25

• Damage fall-off starting distance increased, from 20m to 40m

----- G36C -----

• Vertical recoil from 1,40 to 1,45

• Horizontal recoil from 1,00 to 0,84

----- UMP45 -----

• Damage increased, from 25 to 28

• Vertical recoil increased, from 0.9 to 1

• Horizontal recoil increased, from 0.5 to 0.65

• Velocity lowered, from 500 to 475

• Damage fall-off START reduced, from 50m to 30m

----- PP2000 -----

• Increased damage, from 23 to 24

• Reduced vertical recoil, from 1.2 to 1.1

• Increased firerate, from 900 to 1000

• Reduced ADS time, from 0.2s to 0.15s

• Reduced damage fall-off starting distance, from 50m to 30m

• Leaning spam has been nerfed.

• All snipers will give off stronger muzzle flash.

• L86 will have default sigth (reddot)

• Domination tickets increased.

• Anti Grenade Trophy moved to light gadget section from heavy gadget section.

• Anti Grenade Trophy will no longer destroy friendly grenades.

• Anti Grenade Trophy will give XP when destroys a grenade.

• Destroying Anti Grenade Trophy/MDX will give XP.

• News/updates will no longer showup unless changed.

• Player will get attack/defend bonus + squad point when they are in flag regarless the flag is marked as target by captain in casual gamemode.

• ASVAL/AK5C/SVD/Groza/PP19/PP2000/SV98/AK15 will have access to OKP7 - 1P78 - PKAS scopes.
SGA 2023-8-26 07:06:59 繼續nerf smg range
荔滕陵巴狼 2023-8-26 07:14:53 報到
galil 2023-8-26 23:51:43
日本 server 好多支那佬, 都唔知係咪 hack, 勁能到
1994XF04F-22 2023-8-27 00:22:58 除非玩遠狙呢DPing影響好大既
梓喵買醬油 2023-8-27 15:05:02 拎免費game同買左先玩得黎比根本有問題


SGA 2023-8-28 06:28:02
福字米粉(棄驚) 2023-8-28 08:59:35
緋荔榭少年 2023-8-28 10:08:03 萬零人對一隻收費既小眾game其實算多人 不過擔心既係隻game主打127v127 可能人數影響都幾大
超級無敵IT狗 2023-8-28 13:36:01 咁問題不大
超人Tiga 2023-8-28 14:43:07 係好多hack 而家report個度見到report record更加confirm

打橋, 細屋城市map同櫻花樹個map 係咁爆爆爆打日服未ok, 其他map就不了

我本身好多年BF玩家 起初都以為TTS快BF咁多唔慣 係咁死, 打左一個月熟d cover /camp位就知邊d係外掛
緋荔榭少年 2023-8-28 15:32:52 離開日服比人遠射係有機唔死 打日本基本上就必死
galil 2023-8-28 17:31:44 你老母櫻花樹map畀人射死跟住隊友救又射死又救番, 如是者同一位置死咗十幾次
SGA 2023-8-28 21:56:07
愛丁小薯堡 2023-8-29 04:11:06 巴打 send左request比你
哈哈哈密瓜 2023-8-29 06:11:35 早幾日有巴打add咗我一齊玩


愛丁小薯堡 2023-8-29 06:12:18 唔係 我係arm arm 先係steam send request比你
愛丁小薯堡 2023-8-29 07:08:40 Add steam?
哈哈哈密瓜 2023-8-29 07:34:21 建議開個discord group
但係又唔留discord/steam id
哩咖士勇 2023-8-29 09:15:34 好似得ump同pp2000 nerf range?