[KPOP] K-POP 2023討論區 (29)
石原里老味 2023-6-13 14:48:00 大陸army hang曬機


流浮山Neverland 2023-6-13 14:49:49 幾時出小娟版本
流浮山Neverland 2023-6-13 15:01:53

大韓民國No1美女 2023-6-13 15:14:53 都紅過青夏,仲有得周圍商演
大韓民國No1美女 2023-6-13 15:18:13 MCU news "insider" states that YG Entertainment rejected Marvel Studios' offer for Jennie in MCU film

大韓民國No1美女 2023-6-13 15:22:31 an MCU Arabic News "Insider" shared on Twitter that it was YG Entertainment that rejected Marvel Studios' offer for Jennie. According to this insider, Marvel Studios has been engaging in discussions with YG Entertainment since September 2021 regarding the possibility of casting Jennie in an upcoming MCU project.

The source wrote, "Marvel Studios has been engaging in discussions with YG Entertainment since September 2021. YG Entertainment remained silent on the matter until April 29. Their response hinted at Jennie's packed schedule, stating that she couldn't commit to more than one project at a time due to her demanding workload."

The source also mentioned that Marvel wanted her to appear in the 'Agents of Atlas' series and upcoming 'Avengers' films as well.

大韓民國No1美女 2023-6-13 15:28:43 之前有個話小元返學好善良,但原來除咗早會唔同課室上堂
金請夏春秋 2023-6-13 15:31:42 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cs7o-w1JGgY/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
有時乳細不大 2023-6-13 15:36:54 乜水
眼瞓大波妹 2023-6-13 16:57:44
鳳凰城大腸 2023-6-13 17:35:45 MISAMO JAPAN 1st MINI ALBUM
2023.07.26 Release



導彈測試BUDDY 2023-6-13 18:41:36 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xAlOAhk27GY&ab_channel=THEK-POP

導彈測試BUDDY 2023-6-13 18:42:08 03:25 娜X
車厘龜世一 2023-6-13 19:29:06 做假團 你想點
冬天!好!!! 2023-6-13 19:32:47
車厘龜世一 2023-6-13 19:40:17 如果一齊上堂 啲老師都教唔到書 分開上好正常
金采源精彩人生 2023-6-13 19:52:13 隊垃圾造假出嚟嘅,你想有咩實力啊?
冬天!好!!! 2023-6-13 20:01:14 https://www.instagram.com/reel/CtDd9q5AUmB/?igshid=MmJiY2I4NDBkZg==

李知恩 2023-6-13 20:03:18 sorry, 但你係咪幫newjeans宣傳緊
冬天!好!!! 2023-6-13 20:06:56 點解咁問?
眼瞓大波妹 2023-6-13 20:15:06 f8 lessex nj



𡁻麵 2023-6-13 20:17:29 又避開自己個隊
眼瞓大波妹 2023-6-13 20:18:04 嗰個基佬keplian嚟
IMFEARLESS 2023-6-13 20:18:58 MOMO最難聽
眼瞓大波妹 2023-6-13 20:19:32 t寶好聽 得momo拉後腿