多倫多生活討論區 73
CNTower 2023-6-8 12:14:58 乜嘢藥?


阿呢 2023-6-8 12:18:16 https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/drugs-health-products/compliance-enforcement/importation-exportation/personal-use-health-products-guidance/document.html#a6.2

90 days of drug

Visitors staying in Canada for more than three months may bring into Canada an additional 90-day supply of a health product every three months for their own personal use by mail or courier.

Visitors to Canada must be ready to provide evidence of their visitor status. Evidence includes documents such as:

a copy of your passport
student or work visa, or
letter from an employer or university

As a visitor, if the drug is mailed to you, you are encouraged to include a copy of any of the above documentation in the package and indicate on the outside of the shipping package that it is destined to a visitor in Canada.
Satir 2023-6-8 12:22:15 居然係咁,反而多倫多買屋好


Satir 2023-6-8 12:22:43 依度d人好似都重視買樓? 只係買唔起
Satir 2023-6-8 12:23:03
阿呢 2023-6-8 12:23:22 有時都會諗 多温定香港樓市bubble大啲
CapaCitor 2023-6-8 12:26:58
波都射爆你 2023-6-8 12:28:35

張家漢 2023-6-8 12:30:09 樓價泡沫指數多倫多世一,香港第五、溫哥華第六。
笹崎麻美我老婆 2023-6-8 12:32:36 因為香港跌左好多
波都射爆你 2023-6-8 12:35:06 3個月咁少,又無得寄


阿呢 2023-6-8 12:35:29 唔係話數字愈高就一定愈巴閉,夠就得㗎喇
笹崎麻美我老婆 2023-6-8 12:39:18 睇你有無資產
阿呢 2023-6-8 12:40:37 如果係處方藥 揾私家幫你寄得唔得?
阿呢 2023-6-8 12:41:11 呢個真。所以同埋唔會想幫人供樓
加拿大黎生 2023-6-8 12:45:47 我用過往升幅去計
做mortgage 槓桿大
CNTower 2023-6-8 12:53:42 Obtain refillable prescription and fill it here
CNTower 2023-6-8 12:59:09 Request a copy of your medical records and reports so that the doctor here can prescribe the same medicine or a replacement for you.
Satir 2023-6-8 13:05:15
CapaCitor 2023-6-8 13:10:30
Satir 2023-6-8 13:37:22


遊雲 2023-6-8 18:50:02
你有無病啊 2023-6-8 20:23:03
CNTower 2023-6-8 21:28:25 https://moving2canada.com/living/healthcare/prescriptions-canada-newcomers/
How to get your prescriptions as a newcomer to Canada

If you use medication related to your health care, make sure you take the proper steps to get access to these drugs in Canada.
If you use medication related to your health care, make sure you take the proper steps to get access to these drugs in Canada.

In this article we are looking at prescription drugs in Canada. In Canada, there are two main classes of medications:

Over-the-counter (OTC) drugs: These drugs can be legally purchased by any consumer without written permission from a doctor.
Prescription drugs: These are drugs that are only meant for use by the individual to whom they are prescribed. To access these drugs, first you need a prescription from a doctor which you can bring to a pharmacy in Canada to have filled.
Let’s deep-dive into Canada’s riveting prescription drug industry, shall we?

Are your prescription drugs legal in Canada? Do they require a prescription?
First things first, how are your drugs classified in Canada? You can check the status of the drugs in Canada’s Prescription Drug List to determine if your medication requires a prescription in Canada. This way you can also ensure that the drugs found in your medications are legal in Canada, as trying to bring illegal drugs into the country would be a bad way to start off your Canadian adventure (unless you’re looking to do a tour of Canada’s criminal justice system).

Can I bring my prescription medication into Canada with me?
In general, Health Canada will permit you to enter Canada with the medication required for a single-course of treatment or a 90-day supply, whichever is less, of both prescription drugs and over-the-counter medication. You can do this for yourself and for anyone travelling with you who is under your care, including dependent children.

Of course, first follow the steps outlined above to be sure that your drugs are legal in Canada.

To avoid problems bringing these medications into Canada, the drug must be in hospital or pharmacy-dispensed packaging, the original retail packaging, or have the original label attached to it clearly indicating what the health product is and what it contains.

What if I need to fill my prescription in Canada?
So, you’ve come to Canada and you’ve almost used up all the medication you brought with you? Well, now is as good a time as any to experience the rollercoaster ride that is the Canadian health care system!

You need a prescription from a Canadian doctor.
The first thing to understand is that you cannot use a foreign prescription to get prescription medication in Canada. You need to get a prescription from a Canadian doctor, otherwise the pharmacist will not give you the prescription drugs.

How, you ask, should you go about getting a prescription from a Canadian doctor? Well, you have a few possible routes:

Walk-in clinic (usually faster, short-term): A walk-in clinic allows patients to simply walk in and wait to see a doctor. If you need your prescription and you need it soon, you may want to go to a walk-in clinic. You can use Medimap to locate the walk-in clinic closest to you. However, walk-in clinics can have very long wait times. Be sure to take your foreign prescription so you can explain your needs to the doctor. Walk-in clinics are a great option for those in the country on a temporary stays, including temporary workers and tourists. As well, permanent residents who require care quickly can use walk-in clinics.
Family doctor (usually slower, long-term): If you are settling in Canada long-term, you should try to find a family doctor. This is a physician who can regularly see yourself and your family members and monitor your health longer term. Once you have a family doctor, they will be able to help you manage your prescriptions.
CNTower 2023-6-8 21:29:29 just checked. not possible