[2/3] 曼城被拆骨勝利球迷討論區 408
Phil_Foden 2023-6-10 00:41:15


根度簡些路(反哥) 2023-6-10 00:42:02
靚Goallll 2023-6-10 00:42:03 已經習慣
靚Goallll 2023-6-10 00:42:18 樓祖開po未
小松 2023-6-10 00:42:27 真定假 之前搭長榮都寫有free wifi 但完全用唔到
DeLigt 2023-6-10 00:43:11 我撐鏝
日式蛋捲王 2023-6-10 00:43:21 https://twitter.com/city_xtra/status/1667209879025590272?s=46&t=foyRlkaXkyprh4JFHef4nA

Phil_Foden 2023-6-10 00:43:23 我而家係架機覆緊你
歐聯亞軍水門雞 2023-6-10 00:44:32 可以喺飛機相認
靚Goallll 2023-6-10 00:50:53 下個topic係咩
歐聯亞軍水門雞 2023-6-10 00:53:32 歐聯二奶命


烏撒的貓 2023-6-10 00:55:16 Pep Guardiola asks #mcfc fans not to boo the #ucl anthem tomorrow: "What happened in the past is the past. The Champions League is an incredible competition, we are here to support UEFA unconditionally. We are not going to boo anymore, we are going to support the game."

曼城門水塘 2023-6-10 00:59:58 有咩 我2月坐果時冇喎

曼城門水塘 2023-6-10 01:00:56 祖狗快開
無課金玩家 2023-6-10 01:03:44 Pep Guardiola: "I have a plan tomorrow, communicate the ideas. If we have success, it will be good. We are ready, the players will give everything, knowing and respecting the opponents. Go for it..." [via @_joebray]

靚Goallll 2023-6-10 01:05:06 PTSD 屌你老母哥狗你靜啦
FourTwenty 2023-6-10 01:06:34 唔好搞咁多啦
靚Goallll 2023-6-10 01:07:19 唔見人 你開
鳩改住先 2023-6-10 01:09:20 又冇防中
根度簡些路(反哥) 2023-6-10 01:11:21 今次應該唔止冇防中
奇人迪布尼 2023-6-10 01:15:21 最後對白果場


黒川あかね 2023-6-10 01:16:46
黒川あかね 2023-6-10 01:17:26 https://twitter.com/SxrgioSZN/status/1667209081210261504?s=20
迪水(回春) 2023-6-10 01:19:28 哥狗咪再玩啦求下你
非理想愛人 2023-6-10 01:24:53 1001開