[2/3] 曼城被拆骨勝利球迷討論區 408
Alpinista 2023-6-7 22:55:06 一睇個樣就知白卡


雜果山治 2023-6-7 22:55:35 我鏝加油
林偉寧 2023-6-7 23:06:53 頂住
你冇腦就彈開啦 2023-6-7 23:31:41 屌你老母又話內部人士知比寧咸會黎
source lihkg
取消佬 2023-6-7 23:54:20 喂屌你 說好既含呢
曼城門水塘 2023-6-7 23:54:56 我已經block左條撚樣
懶好笑咁 弱智仔一名
曼城門水塘 2023-6-7 23:57:48 猁狗枱底數比左幾多買牙mac?
吉清😘 2023-6-8 00:00:53 利狗講買人賣人真係好屈
35m係解約金但仲有20m addons
曼城門水塘 2023-6-8 00:01:53 我地上年簽夏撚 冇世界盃枱底數都比一億啦
迪水(回春) 2023-6-8 00:05:52 addons比硬??淨知依家比左35M咪35M買過黎
吉清😘 2023-6-8 00:08:15 我真心希望佢地比唔到


林偉寧 2023-6-8 00:11:00 我認我on9 信撚咗
非理想愛人 2023-6-8 00:43:02 bellingham
你個名叫on99 2023-6-8 00:46:32 比寧咸死全家啦
無拍過拖 2023-6-8 01:02:48 小花去美職
Debruyne17(迷薯 2023-6-8 01:29:16 猁狗啲addons係咪閪到要拎金球先有
雜果山治 2023-6-8 01:34:33 唔係好勁姐
烏撒的貓 2023-6-8 01:49:34 🚨 The president of Al-Ahli is in London to negotiate the potential transfer of Riyad Mahrez to Saudi Arabia. 🇸🇦🔜

(Source: @jamesbenge)
烏撒的貓 2023-6-8 02:58:31 https://twitter.com/FabrizioRomano/status/1666519036253839364
你冇腦就彈開啦 2023-6-8 03:04:21
你冇腦就彈開啦 2023-6-8 03:04:54 其實好,收返錢


非理想愛人 2023-6-8 03:26:58 bwa

#BernardoSilva is preparing for the #UCLFinal to be his last game for #ManCity, having told friends that he is set to leave the Etihad Stadium this summer in search of a fresh challenge.

[Alex Crook, talkSPORT]
非理想愛人 2023-6-8 03:28:11 #ManCity could present a 'mind-boggling offer' to sign #NicolòBarella from #Inter, and could even talk to him after the #UCLFinal. #PepGuardiola is a big fan of the 26 year-old.

FourTwenty 2023-6-8 03:38:22 都預左
非理想愛人 2023-6-8 03:39:10 會唔會真係去psg