LIHKG 多倫多生活討論區 72
我不是唐紫睿 2023-6-1 07:43:20 不嬲set開no toll,費事佢日日叫我行407

我試過行I-90,佢冇send invoice俾我,然後話我遲交,要罰$50。打電話去投訴,hold咗我4粒鐘


好想撚貓呀 2023-6-1 07:48:41 冇得咁估嘅
今晚瞓個好覺 唔諗咁多啦 不過都希望係好消息啦
CNTower 2023-6-1 07:51:12 I had to pay cash everytime I drove on I-90. Did you went through e-Z pass without paying?
我不是唐紫睿 2023-6-1 08:09:50 唔記得lu
雨姨(甩色) 2023-6-1 08:55:54 African lion safari?
米咪瞇銤 2023-6-1 09:01:34 個房東同我講下個月開始加$50 租 =10% 升幅
張家漢 2023-6-1 09:03:05 你住咩500蚊租?
米咪瞇銤 2023-6-1 09:08:32 share house
CNTower 2023-6-1 09:14:55

ALBANY – Canadians skipping out on toll bills on the New York State Thruway will soon be over — at least for those who live in Ontario.

The state Thruway Authority announced an agreement Thursday with the Province of Ontario to access the addresses of Ontario residents so it can send bills to Canadians who do not have E-ZPass and use a cashless-tolling facility on the Thruway.

The agreement comes after reports that Canadians have been able to dodge the tolls, particularly at the Grand Island bridges in western New York, without ever getting nabbed by New York.

Because the Thruway Authority didn't have access to transportation records in Canada, it couldn't follow up with the foreign drivers by sending them a bill in the mail — as the Thruway does with U.S. drivers.
CapaCitor 2023-6-1 09:20:02 550出面都難租 講真
是旦啦吊(A0) 2023-6-1 09:20:55 基數細冇計


米咪瞇銤 2023-6-1 09:25:12 要喊了
每個月少左1/7 股微軟
米咪瞇銤 2023-6-1 09:25:45 老鼠陪伴我 點睇
CapaCitor 2023-6-1 09:26:51 你叫華納?
米咪瞇銤 2023-6-1 09:27:57
華納個兩隻起碼cute d
笹崎麻美我老婆 2023-6-1 09:30:17 以為你已經搞掂D五星級大鼠
米咪瞇銤 2023-6-1 09:32:28 間屋穿左個位比佢爬 點整都無用
為何誰而活 2023-6-1 09:34:56
CNTower 2023-6-1 09:43:24 I thought you caught that mouse already.
CapaCitor 2023-6-1 09:44:14 養隻貓
笹崎麻美我老婆 2023-6-1 09:47:22 自己都養唔掂


屌晒全地球 2023-6-1 09:49:03 本身都想養隻狗陪自己,計吓啲開支都係收皮
CapaCitor 2023-6-1 09:52:01 加拿大養寵物好平
米咪瞇銤 2023-6-1 09:55:17

CNTower 2023-6-1 09:55:20 揸新車唔建議去