LIHKG 多倫多生活討論區 72
廢青界KOL 2023-6-1 05:24:16


吾用口罩 2023-6-1 05:24:29 問啦,問完都唔一定有offer
吾用口罩 2023-6-1 05:24:53 Why ?most important thing
吾用口罩 2023-6-1 05:26:56 笑死,佢IRCC 定咩
花無百日紅。 2023-6-1 05:28:23
CNTower 2023-6-1 05:31:25 Inappropriate
點解呀點解呀 2023-6-1 06:02:55 上Amazon 官網睇warehouse最近好似唔請人

返緊倉嘅ching 你哋嗰陣係點搵工
CNTower 2023-6-1 06:10:18 these too?
我不是唐紫睿 2023-6-1 06:15:16 好多年冇幫襯,印象中佢啲野係OK 嘅
我不是唐紫睿 2023-6-1 06:16:28 呢幾個唔係day trip可以去到喎

woodbury起碼要一個long weekend 啦
卡爾獲加 2023-6-1 06:42:59


LottoMax得獎者 2023-6-1 06:46:34
CNTower 2023-6-1 06:49:12 Waterloo can be a day trip but no exemption
k00kder 2023-6-1 06:52:43
CNTower 2023-6-1 07:23:08

New system will bring families of immigrants to Canada faster: Fraser
Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Sean Fraser speaks during a news conference in Vancouver on May 25, 2023.


Posted May 26, 2023, 5:13PM EDT.
OTTAWA — Spouses, children and parents of recent immigrants will be able to join their loved ones in Canada more quickly as the government shifts to a new system to approve family reunification applications, Immigration Minister Sean Fraser announced Friday.

Family members seeking permanent residency status in Canada can apply for a temporary visitor’s visa to join their sponsor while they wait for their application to be approved.

However those types of visas are often denied because of concerns the applicants are unlikely to leave once it expires.

The new system uses advanced analytics to identify people who have a permanent residency application in the system and approve their visa to visit Canada more quickly.

The minister says he hopes the turnaround time will now be as short as 30 days.

“This means that family members will be able to travel to Canada more quickly and be with their loved ones sooner than was previously the case,” Fraser said at a press conference in Vancouver Friday.

The new system will sift through the person’s application and determine how likely it is that they will be granted permanent residency. Those with a high likelihood will be put in a category that fast tracks their temporary visa.

So far, the approval rate for applications under the new system is higher than 98 per cent, he said.

The announcement follows new instructions issued to immigration staff in April for dealing with applications from people who want to come to Canada while they apply for permanent residency. The new instructions reinforced the idea that the two applications are complementary, not contradictory.

“It’s a shake up for sure,” said immigration lawyer Will Tao after the minister’s announcement Friday. “I think it’s a good move, in many respects”

The increased use of advanced analytics has raised some concern though about the types of historical data being used to inform the machine-based decision making, and whether it could discriminate against or disadvantage some families based on where they’re from or other characteristics, he said.

“I think that’s something needs to be dug into a little bit more about this idea that it applies the same to everybody, because I think in immigration we know that’s not the case, historically and data wise,” Tao said.

“There are always discrepancies.”

Fraser told the press conference he wanted to “put to bed” any fears about discriminatory results, and that the department has seen “massive improvements” in approval rates.

“It’s led to better outcomes across the board, regardless of who might be applying,” he said.

Decisions are always made by department staff, Fraser said, and it’s not possible for an artificial intelligence system to give or deny final approval.

Fraser also announced Friday that spouses and dependent children with a temporary visa will be given open work permits, regardless of whether they apply before or after they arrive in Canada.

That means spouses won’t have to wait to start working after they arrive in Canada.

“We know it’s critical that they’re able to support themselves and their families as soon as possible,” Fraser said.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published May 26, 2023.

Laura Osman, The Canadian Press

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Mandy_ 2023-6-1 07:23:27 最好60km內啦 因為都係即日來回去睇下
我不是唐紫睿 2023-6-1 07:23:29 冇exemption 事小,chur到爆事大
one way都已經4.5 hrs
CNTower 2023-6-1 07:24:50 That experience will give you an advantage for TTC and any public transit bus driver positions.
CNTower 2023-6-1 07:29:52 3.5 hours
我不是唐紫睿 2023-6-1 07:32:27

CNTower 2023-6-1 07:33:27 有幾次想試吓佢哋嘅白切雞


CNTower 2023-6-1 07:34:59 Avoiding Tolls? I went on I-90 and it took me less than 3.5 hours.
鋤大DEE大師 2023-6-1 07:35:27 想請問一個問題

頭先interviewer打電話黎我因為有事做miss左,佢留voice message比我話叫我盡快打返比佢,但因為應該off左所以佢都冇接返個電話


我既想像係如果reject應該直接email我/係電話voice message講返
鈴原希実 2023-6-1 07:36:58 我又衝咗出黎柒

CNTower 2023-6-1 07:42:04 I drove from Warden/Finch- took me under 3.5 hours

3h 31 mins (347.46 km)
Drive southeast.
Bear right onto 16th Avenue.
3 mins
Turn left onto Yonge Street/1.
44 mins
Take the 407 ETR West ramp toward Highway 407 ETR Westbound.
Keep right to take exit 1 onto QEW toward Niagara.
37 mins
Keep left to take QEW toward Niagara.
4 mins
Keep left to take 405 toward Queenston/Lewiston U.S.A..
18 mins
Keep left to stay on 405.
9 mins
Take exit 16 onto I 90/I 290 E toward I 90/Tonawanda/Rochester.
17 mins
Keep left to take exit 1-49 onto I 90 East toward Albany.
1h 8 mins
Keep left to stay on I 90 East/New York State Thruway/Governor Thomas E. Dewey Thruway.
Take exit 42 onto NY 14 toward Geneva/Lyons.
Keep left at the fork.
3 mins
Continue on NY 318.
Turn left onto Nine Foot Road/CR 108.
Turn right.
Turn right.
Your destination is on the right.