LIHKG 多倫多生活討論區 72
笹崎麻美我老婆 2023-6-4 09:56:59 諗多左


CNTower 2023-6-4 10:07:40 HK has a Tax Treaty with Canada. Withholding tax is 15%

There should be no tax on TFSA. However there may be issues if you became a non resident and still have RRSP and TFSA.
米咪瞇銤 2023-6-4 10:10:23
查無恥人 2023-6-4 10:21:59 蒸B 一律T&T

蒸A 一律拆Gpt

PR 一剔pass
我碌鳩係賓州 2023-6-4 10:33:42
屌晒全地球 2023-6-4 10:55:22 Shared house唔計
東倫敦燒味鋪 2023-6-4 10:56:24 無得咁講
min wage憑咩要求人長做
笹崎麻美我老婆 2023-6-4 10:58:15 咁佢發現請D中年姐姐叔叔會長做,咁佢咪adjust
時間啱啱好 2023-6-4 11:01:28 想問下一個人住既巴打係住basement 定condo定其他類型?
不過仲諗緊住apartment 定condo



笹崎麻美我老婆 2023-6-4 11:02:33 睇你budget
CNTower 2023-6-4 11:03:56 "withholding tax" is not the proper term.
The annual contribution limit for TFSA is the same for everyone and RRSP is based on a percentage of your earned income.

When people retired and started to withdraw RRSP or RRIF, their income tax rate is usually lower then and their marginal/average rate will be lower .
我碌鳩係賓州 2023-6-4 11:04:32 住studio apartment租$1.4k,唔想同人夾
CNTower 2023-6-4 11:04:44 depends on how much you can afford.
CapaCitor 2023-6-4 11:06:09 一個人咁悶
v6FeC7cgcgigkRa 2023-6-4 11:07:20 邊到有studio 1.4k咁便....
可以叫咩好 2023-6-4 11:08:53 多倫多一個人租1房 / studio你比唔比得起租先….

時間啱啱好 2023-6-4 11:09:04 我預around 2.3k左右
搵過 studio condo大概都係2-2.5k都有
Apartment 就再平啲
可以叫咩好 2023-6-4 11:09:56 多倫多我都想知邊到有
可以叫咩好 2023-6-4 11:11:03 咁你afford到就梗係studio啦


時間啱啱好 2023-6-4 11:11:03 我習慣咗靜靜地一個做野同埋早瞓早起加上有潔癖
一個人住費時搞到個roommate 啦
越南比比 2023-6-4 11:11:44 1.4都好超值⋯想知邊度有
CapaCitor 2023-6-4 11:12:04 時光機到21年前
時間啱啱好 2023-6-4 11:16:10 其實apartment 係咪舊啲
問過多倫多啲租屋agent apartment同condos既分別
跟著答咗我condo同apartment 既業權分別就無其他