LIHKG 點樣禮貌地拒絕同事痴車坐返工?
傅家俊 2023-5-31 00:40:33 問佢收錢,每程$500


路邊小薯 2023-5-31 00:51:02 每日都話有野做唔順路
3年cd-rom 2023-5-31 01:00:48 謝謝你考慮搭乘我的順風車回公司,我對你的支持和理解表示感謝

都是垃圾 2023-5-31 01:02:31 Suck my dick
古野家 2023-5-31 01:09:35 唔著褲 嚇一嚇佢
堡漢士芝 2023-5-31 01:10:15 Sorry lo big brother
媽閪的多重乳房 2023-5-31 01:11:15
最愛灰膠鞋 2023-5-31 01:17:18 乘客位車門壞咗。
Draik 2023-5-31 01:36:05 開左價佢又肯比你就慘,好難再反口


IBNR 2023-5-31 01:53:40 One direction Sor Sor
過海纜車 2023-5-31 01:54:51 普通同事定老細? say no 咪得
“nah imma head straight to office myself”



Forlat 2023-5-31 02:01:28 返工就易啦 耐唔耐遲到趕時間車唔到佢 或者唔記得咗要車佢 衰咗一兩次 就可以話唔想累佢
鴉雀u白鸛 2023-5-31 02:04:40 長期話拎架車去整
BMI重度肥胖 2023-5-31 02:09:22 Go to work by carpet
高速爆炸 2023-5-31 02:11:20 i go to school by bus
比企谷小町 2023-5-31 02:15:54 Your Spring Pocket will be barbecued
來棲曉 2023-5-31 02:18:56
三分王麥麥送 2023-5-31 02:26:15
可摸耳井多少少 2023-5-31 02:31:20 nah bro... no worries my man.. i aint got no problem wit them coronavirus.. comon bro.. I aint gon discriminate you... imma support you and keep carpooling wit u
社區 2023-5-31 02:34:39 suck my dick or fuck off
初戀無限Q 2023-5-31 02:35:00


妙麗隻貓 2023-5-31 02:38:17 直接同佢講啦

Hey, I’m more than happy to give you a ride once in a while, but I don’t feel comfortable to pick you up every single day. It’s just getting a bit too much and feels like it’s now my duty instead of a casual favor. I hope you understand.

咁o岩路過 2023-5-31 03:06:44 當左verb用
輕若鴻毛落人間 2023-5-31 03:12:02 My dog shitted on your seat
姣如黎笛 2023-5-31 03:20:38 冇預你喎屌你老母搭巴士啦