[向小心狗說不 ] 修咸頓 對 利物浦 2
腳趾尾奶西 2023-5-25 19:34:37 Freed from desire


孽債 2023-5-25 19:48:37 https://twitter.com/lfctransferroom/status/1661662327949647874?s=46&t=eoPjB9jbDH2IdypmKR-KyQ
孽債 2023-5-25 19:57:08 垃圾利搞掂 Mac 開始追第二個未

Thiago 2023-5-25 20:03:45 7月7就完
元•朗拿度 2023-5-25 20:09:35 原來今日525
已經唔興拎返黎J ?
賣Takumi.M波衫 2023-5-25 20:12:59 利IG都有post
不過已經J到爛 都就嚟廿年
元•朗拿度 2023-5-25 20:14:46 都係6月1 J 碎步算
賣Takumi.M波衫 2023-5-25 20:15:39

元•朗拿度 2023-5-25 20:16:23 贏R霸頂住檔先
麥馬拿文(假利) 2023-5-25 20:20:32
你去邊間 三千七真係需要勇氣
A風花雪月_蘇晴 2023-5-25 20:22:02 做定心理準備 踢歐霸算啦


倉野尾成美 2023-5-25 20:26:52 https://twitter.com/LiverpoolPhotox/status/1661445280397492233
A風花雪月_蘇晴 2023-5-25 20:28:15
從上面來的螞蟻 2023-5-25 20:30:19 In early 2020, Mane was having breakfast with Keita at Melwood when one of the staff came over to inform the midfielder they were going to step up his rehab that morning with a light jog around the training field. Much to Mane's amusement, Keita replied: "Yeah, yeah, I like eggs."
There was another occasion when medical staff were chasing up scan results only to learn that he hadn't been scanned at all after misunderstanding the instructions he had been given. A staff member returned to the private hospital with him.
Keita based himself in a house in Formby, around 13 miles from Liverpool, but later also acquired a city centre apartment. He certainly found it difficult to settle on Merseyside after arriving with his younger brother Petit, who effectively looked after his older sibling. However, there's a sense that he could have been more proactive in terms of making that adaptation process easier, especially when it came to learning English. [James Pearce]
孽債 2023-5-25 20:51:51 陣間白記話你出價太低就好笑

Thiago 2023-5-25 20:53:41 好似有買斷條款
dllmsosad 2023-5-25 20:54:40 唔係60以上?
紐尼斯愛解圍 2023-5-25 20:56:21 我地fsg行呢個美帝主義 要分期付款 所以買斷條款一筆過既事佢地唔會做
JensenAckles 2023-5-25 20:56:22

判坤走得摩 2023-5-25 20:57:23 其實mm都唔啱都獌 4231都冇個位啱佢踢
麥馬拿文(假利) 2023-5-25 20:57:50 又話賤種皇輸左就官宣比寧咸嘅?


dllmsosad 2023-5-25 20:58:04 攻中 左中場同艾歷臣個位應該都頂到
dllmsosad 2023-5-25 20:58:25 話等多仔title race完左就會直接bid
熊22 2023-5-25 21:05:33 19000 邊有咁多錢

買kane 隨時都100m
熊22 2023-5-25 21:07:09 等多仔完德甲