1人N件Amazon 抵買之選 (55)
yourhighness 2023-6-17 14:44:33 個戶口用左幾年啦, 我意思係第一次用集運


雪菜肉絲炆米 2023-6-17 14:47:02 Reload giftcard咪又係死
丹尼士羅 2023-6-17 15:20:50 billing唔係跟你信用卡? 同shipping一唔一樣好似都唔關事?
打丁怒得金 2023-6-17 15:47:12
膠易現場 2023-6-17 16:49:17
緣來是妳 2023-6-17 18:43:45 冇買,無close ac
天氣之子 2023-6-18 00:22:38 我個Amazon account 比佢block 咗 要搵customer service 解 可以點搞
雪菜肉絲炆米 2023-6-18 00:26:45 send email俾光頭佬老細
緣來是妳 2023-6-19 03:03:08 睇中德馬水龍頭同湯煲
qualcomm 2023-6-19 11:54:11 Seems blocking BNS first in amazon
餓狼嚐百罩 2023-6-19 12:11:36


緣來是妳 2023-6-19 13:18:17 睇定好過到時唔知bf買咩
WJL 2023-6-19 14:17:09
AG+++ 2023-6-19 16:04:47 想問香港係咪買唔到蝦皮?
雪菜肉絲炆米 2023-6-19 16:58:05 召喚貨物傳心師
雪菜肉絲炆米 2023-6-19 16:58:31 你畀到錢咪得

順帶一提 蝦皮係中資
WJL 2023-6-19 17:01:35
問左 原來 package 爆左 sosad
諾定咸森林 2023-6-19 17:09:00 下個月prime day
動物芝心 2023-6-19 17:10:20
qualcomm 2023-6-19 18:27:20 Ask for replacement delivery, don't ask for refund.


WJL 2023-6-19 18:40:57
禁入去 return or replace, 只係得 refund options....
qualcomm 2023-6-19 19:05:11 Chat with CS


Please escalate this for replacement order instead of refund as I rely on this product extensively
WJL 2023-6-19 19:08:36 Tried but the CS said cannot arrange replacement delivery even escalated to their lead
qualcomm 2023-6-19 19:10:34 似乎太多人用BNS買喼,結果掉爛晒要refund