[Buddy+Na.V+LUVU]VIVIZ要好好吃飯及健健康康 祝Yerin有更好既開始(35)
CHOK人 2023-6-17 02:40:50


BabyFive 2023-6-17 11:06:09
BabyFive 2023-6-17 14:36:50 原來又取消咗
2023 Kimchi Festival Canada has been cancelled
The upcoming 2023 Kimchi Festival Canada, set to be held next weekend, has been cancelled.

Kimchi Festival Canada was originally scheduled to be held at the SaskTel Centre in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan from June 23 to 24. The festival was set to include performances by Billlie, Jamie Park, Xdinary Heroes, Gukjeondan, VIVIZ, ONEUS, ex-Wonder Girls member Sunye, DJ Flash Finger, Cheetah and 6band.

However, the organisers announced on June 14 that the festival will not longer be moving ahead. “The last few days have been difficult,” the organiser said in a statement on Instagram. “We have had many meeting with our production team and the idol agencies about the matter of the festival and the safety of the public and idols.”

“Canada is currently experiencing numerous natural disasters, reportedly the worst in the last 100 years,” they added. “As the festival was to celebrate the 60th anniversary of unity between Canda and South Korea, and the problems that are currently happening in Canada, it is not the proper time to host the festival.”

“We are sad to report that the decision is to cancel the event at this time,” the organisers continued. They added that they have “already informed Ticketmaster to return all tickets that have been sold as soon as possible”.

In a separate comment under the post, the organisers added that they will “will look at rescheduling as well as a different venue” for the 2023 Kimchi Festival Canada. “Again this is not what we were expecting nor what we wished for. This has been a hard loss for all involved.”
BabyFive 2023-6-17 14:38:43 連續兩個海外行程取消
我老婆金韶情 2023-6-17 16:24:38 本身都賣唔到飛要5折賣,又咁啱有山火
無睇到 2023-6-17 17:02:13
壹二三死 2023-6-17 18:51:53 呢個好野黎,5代大主唱,把聲同崔懵懵有d似。
銀仔飯(佛系) 2023-6-17 19:05:19 1234巴 好耐無見
壹二三死 2023-6-17 19:10:14 絕大部份時間潛水,睇完post就算
CHOK人 2023-6-17 22:09:44 我都冇pc 得macbook 唔識玩
onedayxne 2023-6-17 22:15:48


怎可色兔兔(丁) 2023-6-17 22:25:48


絕殺小子 2023-6-17 22:38:27 只有佢征服你
夜闌靜 2023-6-17 23:09:46 佢真好得意
我老婆金韶情 2023-6-17 23:54:11
我老婆金韶情 2023-6-17 23:56:09
音遠 2023-6-18 01:58:59
我老婆金韶情 2023-6-18 01:59:40
音遠 2023-6-18 02:05:18
BabyFive 2023-6-18 14:55:10 https://twitter.com/viviz_update/status/1670320714321362944
BabyFive 2023-6-18 19:20:18 https://twitter.com/VIVIZ_official/status/1670390878010216448


BabyFive 2023-6-18 19:24:38

CHOK人 2023-6-18 19:34:09 咁多圖係咪要嚟料了
CHOK人 2023-6-18 19:34:51

Na.V_Buddy一家親 2023-6-18 19:37:39 我琳呢幾日開始活躍