[Buddy+Na.V+LUVU]VIVIZ要好好吃飯及健健康康 祝Yerin有更好既開始(35)
BabyFive 2023-6-8 17:02:18 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNzjrJJH6vY


BabyFive 2023-6-8 17:09:44 https://twitter.com/VIVIZ_official/status/1666731973874954240








BabyFive 2023-6-8 17:12:25







CHOK人 2023-6-8 17:14:52 佢落地底咪嚇死
CHOK人 2023-6-8 17:16:36

BabyFive 2023-6-8 17:18:10







BabyFive 2023-6-8 22:52:47 https://twitter.com/GFS_backup/status/1666813113545687043
無睇到 2023-6-9 00:01:53 件衫好貼身
銀仔飯(佛系) 2023-6-9 00:12:49 銀仔偽毒可恥
BabyFive 2023-6-9 10:24:37 https://twitter.com/maplestory_kr/status/1666975910296428544

D-1 🍁 One day ahead < NEW AGE > Showcase
The list of cast members who will shine the theme song performance of part 1 is revealed to the warriors!
BabyFive 2023-6-9 10:28:38 https://twitter.com/maplestory_kr/status/1666716938972835840
MapleStory 2023 SUMMER SHOWCASE D-2
2023.06.10 (Sat) 3 PM. MapleStory < NEW AGE > Showcase, please show a lot of interest!


我老婆金韶情 2023-6-9 11:01:05 唔係好名明咩嚟
有首歌叫swear on the sword?
徐意瞞 2023-6-9 11:33:33 『 𝗜𝗡𝗙𝗢 』

230609 || VIVIZ will perform at 'Maple Story 2023 New Age Summer Showcase' on June 10

They'll be performing one of the theme songs 'Swear On The Sword'

#VIVIZ #비비지

Ꮺ ࣪ ۪ https://t.me/gfriendbybuddy 🜸𓂃 ִֶָ

Swear On The Sword 應該係個show其中一首theme song?
BabyFive 2023-6-9 13:48:59 金世正 Swear on the sword
BabyFive 2023-6-9 17:00:17 https://twitter.com/rollingstonekor/status/1667079465044955136

4.[RSK] 這次的新曲是VIVIZ的銀河參與了伴唱 工作過程中沒有什麼特別的小插曲嗎?

CHUFLEX: 首先錄音當天銀河穿着素妍服裝出現,我和SHORRY還有工作人員們都嚇了一跳! 甚至外貌也差不多。 銀河爲了更投入錄音,一個人去戲院看了《灌籃高手》。 唱歌也唱得很好,音色也和歌曲完美地融合在一起,錄音期間大家都很開心。

SHORRY: 銀河爲了完美地投入到featuring中,前一天一個人看了《灌籃高手》,錄音當天穿着蔡素妍的服裝登場,非常感動。 錄音的時候對歌曲也很有野心,細心照顧的樣子讓我更加感動! 多虧了銀河的努力,歌曲才能製作得更好
BabyFive 2023-6-9 18:04:09 崔俞娜世界第一







BabyFive 2023-6-9 18:04:21








怎可色兔兔(丁) 2023-6-9 18:29:52 銀呢個隻衰妹幾有情趣 制服誘惑都識
BabyFive 2023-6-9 20:36:28


夜闌靜 2023-6-9 22:39:16 咪傻啦 好冇
BabyFive 2023-6-9 22:43:11



怎可色兔兔(丁) 2023-6-9 23:41:15 幻幻智
銀仔飯(佛系) 2023-6-10 00:51:25 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JpGRhgpSbcw&ab_channel=%E3%81%B5%E3%82%8C%E3%82%93%E3%81%A1%E3%81%A8%E3%83%BC%E3%81%99%E3%81%A8

BabyFive 2023-6-10 01:59:00 丁恩妃同崔俞娜都瞓唔著呀

CHOK人 2023-6-10 03:02:39