[買了可以慢慢反省,不買卻只能後悔] 車仔模型討論區 26
寂靜蘋果 2023-9-15 22:49:47 有冇f355開箱


燈力無窮 2023-9-16 06:38:46 條橋成千蚊一截 點買
Plini 2023-9-16 13:54:28 見TLV黎緊出Mazda架van仔,好有興趣
Plini 2023-9-16 13:55:31 知唔知幾時有得買?
填詞寧林若人 2023-9-16 16:39:18 買一嚿唔夠喉
巫祈仁 2023-9-16 16:44:38 二月,不過好多鋪頭可以訂定
寂靜蘋果 2023-9-16 22:16:08

好撚心痛 2023-9-16 22:41:24 唔知,但睇落似大陸嘢
唔撚煮飯 2023-9-16 23:01:31
三個女人一個姦 2023-9-17 04:05:58
永利股東 2023-9-17 13:23:58 事實上一截都成50cm長 那有位


填詞寧林若人 2023-9-17 13:39:54

寂靜蘋果 2023-9-17 18:02:44
唔撚煮飯 2023-9-17 19:09:24
寂靜蘋果 2023-9-17 19:17:45
唔撚煮飯 2023-9-17 20:03:12
永利股東 2023-9-17 21:53:00 個display櫃無返咁上下大都放唔入
三個女人一個姦 2023-9-18 18:26:05

好撚心痛 2023-9-18 18:43:56 官方相教咗你,放天台
本田FK8(尾期) 2023-9-18 19:20:19 要買了
米奇魯尾 2023-9-18 22:46:43


愛快羅密周 2023-9-19 03:38:00 會唔會有埋人仔
活得精彩給尾 2023-9-19 21:51:37 有無人儲wsi model?
填詞寧林若人 2023-9-21 10:44:08

💕MINI GT give 2023 -
Share Love & Spread Hope 💕

Join us in making a difference! 🚗🌟

For the past few years, we’ve been driving change with our special themed MINI GT give models. The entire proceeds contribute to organizations dedicated to improving children’s health and wellness.

In 2021, it started in Hong Kong. In 2022, we extended our reach to both Hong Kong and China. This year, we’re going even further, as we expand our support to Maui wildfire relief. The devastating wildfire in Maui left a trail of destruction in Lahaina, impacting lives and cultures.

Together, let’s help rebuild and heal. Stay tuned for more details as we come together to make a positive impact. 🌍❤️


Glen Chou | Director of MINI GT

#MINIGTgive2023 #CharityEvent #SpreadHope #MakeADifference #minigt #minigtofficial #minigt64


21年出一架 舊年兩架 今年三架 咁下年咪四架?
晨卿 2023-9-21 23:36:41 我上網見到車仔展竟然有Scania tooling